The Two Pennies tells the true story of the Millar family in the lead-up to Titanic’s maiden voyage in 1912. It is a unique insight into how the tragedy affected ordinary lives, in particular those of Thomas Millar’s two sons. The story also describes the aftermath of the Titanic’s sinking, using the voices of several different characters.
About the Author
Susie Millar is the great-granddaughter of a Titanic engineer. She is a journalist, broadcaster, and tour business owner, living and working in Belfast. She spent over twenty years working as a television news reporter in Northern Ireland before starting her own company, based on her connection to Titanic. She is a committee member of the Belfast Titanic Society and a trustee of the Titanic Foundation.
Ed Coghlan –
This is a refreshingly different read from other Titanic-related material. As I read through the pages I developed a rapport with the various family members and got an insight into the impact on ordinary lives arising from the loss of Titanic.