Encyclopedia Titanica

Thayer Watch Found in Home

Philadelphia Inquirer

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A gold watch, reported missing following the discovery of the body of John B. Thayer, 3d, financial vice president of the University of Pennsylvania , in his parked automobile last Friday, mysteriously turned up at his home yesterday.

A friend of Mr. Thayer's family confirmed the fact that the watch was "found at home," but said he was unable to state whether someone had taken it to the residence, on Grays lane, Haverford, or if it had been there all the time and mistakenly believed missing.


Members of the family would not talk about the matter last night.

First inkling that the timepiece was ostensibly missing from Mr. Thayer's clothing when his body was found in his car on a lot at 48th st. and Parkside ave. came at 2 P.M. yesterday, in a report sent out over the police teletype.


The report, which did not give the owner's name, said the watch was lost in the vicinity of the lot between Sept. 18 and 21. The latter date was last Friday, and the body had been unnoticed for some time previously.

Coroner J. Allan Bertolet, who said he believed Mr. Thayer took his own life by slashing his wrists and throat with a razor blade, estimated the victim had lain dead in the car for 40 hours or more.

The police report described the watch as a "repeater" type, and said that a locket containing a woman's photograph and a T-shaped fraternity pin were on a heavy gold chain attached to the watch.

Police officials said last night they could advance no theory as to how the timepiece might have disappeared from the man's clothing, or how it turned up again at Mr. Thayer's house, if that was what actually happened.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2006) Thayer Watch Found in Home (Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday 22nd September 1945, ref: #5288, published 31 October 2006, generated 13th December 2024 09:48:46 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/thayer-watch-found-home.html