Encyclopedia Titanica

Harold Bride: Blue Plaque

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Harold Bride: Blue Plaque

A PLAQUE commemorating Harold Bride, Second Wireless Operator on the RMS Titanic has been placed by the London Borough of Bromley on Number 58, Ravensbourne Avenue, Shortlands, Kent - the house where he grew up. The plaque was unveiled on Wednesday 18th February 2004 through the efforts of Mr. Peter Smith and Peter Edgley

As a youngster obsessed with the new science of 'wireless telegraphy', he intrigued the neighbours by stringing sires from the house to the garden shed - long since disappeared - in which he carried on his experiments. His father, A. S. L. Bride had purchased the solid, newly-built Victorian semi from the Cator Estate in 1903, and the family (including Harold, when he was not at sea) lived there until their father died and the house was sold in 1922.

The house is now owned by a retired police officer, Peter Smith, who purchased it in 1983. he is knowledgeable about the Harold Bride connection and enjoys the steady stream of enquiries and visits from Titanic enthusiasts keen to see the house and ask about the family.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Harold Bride: Blue Plaque ( ref: #3064, published 23 June 2004, generated 10th December 2024 06:30:23 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/the-blue-plaque.html