Encyclopedia Titanica

The Titanic Inquiry: Lady Duff Gordon's Evidence

The Times

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The inquiry into the loss of the Titanic was resumed yesterday by Lord Mersey and his Assessors. There was no diminution in the public interest taken in the proceedings. Among those present were Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein, Lady St. Helier, Lady Midleton, Mrs. Asquith, Captain Godfrey-Faussett and Mr. Sheldon Crosley, Third Secretary to the American Embassy.

Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon did not add much that was material to the evidence which he gave last Friday. As he was examined by Mr. Harbinson, counsel for the third class passengers, in regard to his actions when the cries of the drowning were heard, some of the ladies in the gallery expressed sympathy for him by clapping their hands.

Afterwards Lady Duff Gordon was called. The President had previously expressed the hope that her evidence might not be necessary but her counsel, Mr. Duke, M.P., urged that the insinuations made against her were of such a character that she thought it essential that she should be called. Lady Duff Gordon was accordingly sworn and denied that she heard any of the cries of the drowning, or that she said it would be dangerous to go back to them. The only new feature brought out by her examination was her repudiation of a vivid account of the wreck which first appeared over her name in a New York newspaper. The article contained many things which were inconsistent with Lady Duff Gordon's evidence yesterday, and which she affirmed that she had never said.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) The Titanic Inquiry: Lady Duff Gordon's Evidence (The Times, Tuesday 21st May 1912, ref: #1247, published 28 August 2003, generated 4th December 2024 03:44:50 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/the-titanic-inquiry-lady-duff-gordons-evidence.html