Encyclopedia Titanica

Three of Ten Jersey Passengers Are Safe

Newark Star

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Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Henry Stengel and Henry Blank Reported Among Those Rescued from the Titanic Wreck
Up to a late hour last night only three of the ten New Jersey passengers on the Titanic were definitely known to be among the survivors now on their way to New York on the Carpathia. From these no messages have come except through the lists of the tourists who escaped after the disaster contained in press dispatches.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Henry Stengel, of 109 Lincoln Park, this city, and Henry Blank, of 138 Ridgewood avenue, Glen Ridge, are known to have been saved. Mr. Stengel is a member of the firm of Stengel & Rothschild, leather manufacturers.

One of the many affecting scenes that were witnessed in the offices of the White Star Line yesterday was when Mrs. S. S. Budd, of 23 Hillside avenue, a sister of C. E. H. Stengel, received word that her brother was safe. After a night of worriment and speculation as to the fate of her brother, Mrs. Budd was an early caller at the offices of the line. After a long wait the she finally learned that both Mr. and Mrs. Stengel were reported safe on board the Carpathia. Mrs. Budd was overcome with joy. In tremulous tones she thanked God and had to be escorted from the offices by her daughter.


Mr. Blank is of the firm of Whiteside & Blank, manufacturing jewelers, of 19 Liberty street, this city. A fourth passenger from this State, Miss Elizabeth M. Burns, a trained nurse, who lived in Newark and was traveling with the family of F. O. Spedden, of Tuxedo Park, is probably safe, it being believed that the name "Mrs. G. M. Burns" in the list of survivors is probably her.

Of Colonel Washington A. Roebling, 2d, of Trenton, member of one of the best known families in New Jersey, who was among the passengers, nothing has been heard. A reporter for The Star called up the Roebling home on the telephone last night, and was informed that although the family had made every effort to get definite news from several sources, the attempts were unsuccessful.

Charles G. Roebling, his father, was excused from duty when the panel for the April term of the United States Grand Jury reported yesterday. He immediately went to his home, where he spent the day waiting news of his son. Karl Roebling, a relative of the missing millionaire, was in New York in an effort to get word, and is remaining there---the hope that a wireless may be gotten through from Mr. Roebling.


John S. March, of 59 Emmett street, this city, who was in charge of the mails on the Titanic, is another of whom nothing has been heard. His daughter, Miss Nettie March, sought in vain for news of her father from the offices of the steamship company.

The family of W. Anderson Walker, of 72 East Park street, East Orange, a wealthy manufacturer of clothing, has received no report regarding his safety. Mr. Walker is worshipful master of Hope Lodge, F. and A. M. of East Orange.

The other Jerseyites who have not yet been listed among the survivors are Stephen Blackwell, Mr. Roebling's traveling companion, of Trenton, Arthur Keefe, of East Rahway, and Frank Stanley, Mr. Roebling's chauffeur.

The Titanic, in addition to those whose names have been mentioned, carried a great number of persons who had relatives and friends in this State.

Frank D. Millet, the artist, who is said to be one of those saved, painted some of the paintings in the Essex County Court House and also in the new Hudson County Court House. He was returning from a trip to Italy, where he was at the head of the American Academy at Rome.


Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Three of Ten Jersey Passengers Are Safe (Newark Star, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #3050, published 22 June 2004, generated 10th October 2024 07:08:03 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/three-ten-jersey-passengers-are-safe.html