Three Titanic widows Mrs. Jacques Futrelle. Mrs. Henry B. Harris, and Mrs. George Thorne—propose to leave Boston on April 13th, and two days later, which would be the anniversary of the Titanic tragedy, they will pay a tribute to the memories of their husbands over the spot where the Titanic sank, says the Daily Telegraph New York correspondent.
Baskets of flowers will tossed into the water where the most fearful chapter in the lives of those women was written. A short memorial service, conducted by the liner's chaplain, will be held just before the flower ceremony, and the liner leaves the fateful spot behind the women will sing the memorable Titanic dirge, Nearer, God, to Thee.”
Mrs. Futrelle has been making monthly pilgrimages to the seashore, and the 15th of each month has cast scarlet flowers into the water. Jacques loved scarlet flowers. It is announced that Mrs. Futrelle and her friends will be pleased to welcome in this extraordinary pilgrimage of the Atlantic any other women bereaved by the Titanic who may desire to associate themselves with the party in placing wreaths on the Titanic graves.
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