An Exonian on board was Mr Harry Dyer, second son of Q.M.S. Dyer and Mrs Dyer of Mount Pleasant Road, Exeter. A smart young fellow, 25 years of age, he was fourth engineer, having transferred from the Olympic. He was in Exeter for a short holiday about a month ago, and then proceeded to Belfast to bring the leviathan to Southampton as engineer on board. Mr and Mrs Dyer are naturally very much concerned about the safety of their son. On Monday they received three wires from the White Star office at Southampton, the last being in the evening, when they had the news that 'White Star report all safe on Titanic'. Mr Dyer seved his time at Messrs Willey's of Exeter, where he learnt the engineering, and he also attended the Exeter Manual School in Longbrook Street, for a couple of years. He went straight from Messrs Willey's to the White Star Line at Southampton. He was on the shore staff for a short time. His first ship was the Adriatic on which he remained for over three years, when he joined the Olympic. He was a member of 'A' Company of the 1st R.V. before leaving Exeter, and played in the old Exeter City Association team before the days of professionalism.
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