Encyclopedia Titanica

RMS Titanic First Class Passenger List

Comprehensive list of RMS Titanic first class passengers, ticket and cabin information and links to full biographies.

Name Age Class/Dept Ticket Joined Job Boat [Body]
29 1st Class Passenger
£211 6s 9d
Southampton 2 
Photograph of Elisabeth Walton Allen
30 1st Class Passenger
£151 16s
Southampton Businessman [135]
Photograph of Hudson Joshua Creighton Allison
25 1st Class Passenger
£151 16s
Photograph of Bess Waldo Allison
2 1st Class Passenger
£151 16s
Photograph of Helen Loraine Allison
11m 1st Class Passenger
£151 16s
Southampton 11 
Photograph of Hudson Trevor Allison
42 1st Class Passenger
£26 11s
Southampton Stockbroker 3* 
Photograph of Harry Anderson
39 1st Class Passenger
H&W Guarantee Group
Belfast Shipbuilder
Photograph of Thomas Andrews
62 1st Class Passenger
£77 19s 2d
Cherbourg 10 
Photograph of Cornelia Theodosia Andrews
53 1st Class Passenger
£51 9s 7d
Southampton 2 
Photograph of Charlotte Appleton
71 1st Class Passenger
£49 10s 1d
Cherbourg Businessman [22]
Photograph of Ramon Artagaveytia
47 1st Class Passenger
£247 10s 6d
Cherbourg Property Developer / Real Estate [124]
Photograph of John Jacob Astor
18 1st Class Passenger
£247 10s 6d
Cherbourg 4 
Photograph of Madeleine Talmage Astor
24 1st Class Passenger
£69 6s
Cherbourg Singer 9 
Photograph of Léontine Pauline Aubart
26 1st Class Passenger
£78 17s
Southampton Personal Maid 6 
Photograph of Ellen Mary Barber
47 1st Class Passenger
Southampton Justice of the Peace B 
Photograph of Algernon Henry Barkworth
31 1st Class Passenger
£76 5s 10d
Cherbourg Personal Maid 8 
Photograph of Albina Bassani
48 1st Class Passenger
£25 18s 6d
Cherbourg Businessman
Photograph of John David Baumann
Photograph of Hélène Baxter
Photograph of Quigg Edmond Baxter
Photograph of Thomson Beattie
Photograph of Richard Leonard Beckwith
Photograph of Sarah Maybell Beckwith
Photograph of Karl Howell Behr
Photograph of Rosalie Bidois
Photograph of Jakob Birnbaum
Photograph of Dickinson H. Bishop
Photograph of Helen Margaret Bishop
Photograph of Mauritz Håkan Björnström-Steffansson
Photograph of Stephen Weart Blackwell
Photograph of Henry Blank
Photograph of Caroline Bonnell
Photograph of Elizabeth Bonnell
Photograph of John James Borebank
Photograph of Elsie Edith Bowerman
Photograph of John Bertram Brady
Photograph of Emil Franklin Brandeis
Photograph of George Andrew Brereton
Photograph of Arthur Jackson Brewe
Photograph of Caroline Lane Brown
Photograph of Margaret Brown
Photograph of Emma Eliza Bucknell
Photograph of Elizabeth Margaret Burns
Photograph of Archibald Willingham Butt
Photograph of Alexander Milne Cairns
Photograph of Edward Pennington Calderhead
Photograph of Helen Churchill Candee
Photograph of Charlotte Wardle Cardeza
Photograph of Thomas Drake Martinez Cardeza
Photograph of Frans Olof Carlsson
Photograph of Francisco Mauro Severiano Carrau
Photograph of José Pedro Carraú-Esteves
Photograph of William Ernest Carter
Photograph of Lucile Carter
Photograph of Lucile Polk Carter
Photograph of William Thornton II Carter
Photograph of Howard Brown Case
Photograph of Eleanor Genevieve Cassebeer
Photograph of Tyrell William Cavendish
Photograph of Julia Florence Cavendish
Photograph of Herbert Fuller Chaffee
Photograph of Carrie Constance Chaffee
Photograph of Norman Campbell Chambers
Photograph of Bertha Chambers
Photograph of Victorine Chaudanson
Photograph of Gladys Cherry
Photograph of Paul Romaine Marie Léonce Chevré
Photograph of Roderick Chisholm
Photograph of Walter Miller Clark
Photograph of Virginia Estelle Clark
Photograph of Alice Catherine Cleaver
Photograph of George Quincy Clifford
Photograph of Edward Pomeroy Colley
Photograph of Sara Rebecca Compton
Photograph of Malvina Helen Cornell
Photograph of John Bertram Crafton
Photograph of Edward Gifford Crosby
Photograph of Catherine Elizabeth Crosby
Photograph of Harriette Rebecca Crosby
Photograph of John Bradley Cumings
Photograph of Florence Briggs Cumings
Photograph of Peter Dennis Daly
Photograph of Robert Williams Daniel
Photograph of Thornton Davidson
Photograph of Orian Davidson
Photograph of Albert Adrian Dick
Photograph of Vera Dick
Photograph of Washington Dodge
Photograph of Ruth Dodge
Photograph of Washington Dodge
Photograph of Walter Donald Douglas
Photograph of Mahala Douglas
Photograph of Mary Hélène Douglas
Photograph of Cosmo Edmund Duff Gordon
Photograph of Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff Gordon
Photograph of Olive Earnshaw
Photograph of Caroline Louise Endres
Photograph of Elizabeth Mussey Eustis
Photograph of Edith Corse Evans
Photograph of Antoinette Flegenheim
Photograph of Margaret Fleming
Photograph of John Irwin Flynn
Photograph of Benjamin Laventall Foreman
Photograph of Mark Fortune
Photograph of Mary Fortune
Photograph of Ethel Flora Fortune
Photograph of Alice Elizabeth Fortune
Photograph of Mabel Helen Fortune
Photograph of Charles Alexander Fortune
Photograph of Laura Mabel Francatelli
Photograph of Thomas Parnham Franklin
Photograph of Isaac Gerry Frauenthal
Photograph of Henry William Frauenthal
Photograph of Clara Frauenthal
Photograph of Hedwig Margaritha Frölicher
Photograph of Maximilian Josef Frölicher-Stehli
Photograph of Margaretha Emerentia Frölicher-Stehli
Photograph of Richard Thomas Fry
Photograph of Jacques Heath Futrelle
Photograph of Lily May Futrelle
Photograph of Arthur Gee
Photograph of Pauline Caroline Gibson
Photograph of Dorothy Winifred Gibson
Photograph of Victor Gaitan Andrea Giglio
Photograph of Samuel Levi Goldenberg
Photograph of Nella Carlynne Goldenberg
Photograph of Archibald Gracie
Photograph of George Edward Graham
Photograph of Margaret Edith Graham
Photograph of Blanche Greenfield
Photograph of William Bertram Greenfield
Photograph of Benjamin Guggenheim
Photograph of George Achilles Harder
Photograph of Dorothy Harder
Photograph of Henry Burkhardt Harris
Photograph of Irene Harris
Photograph of William Henry Harrison
Photograph of Charles Melville Hays
Photograph of Clara Jennings Hays
Photograph of Margaret Bechstein Hays
Photograph of Christopher Head
Photograph of Herbert Henry Hilliard
Photograph of William Edward Hipkins
Photograph of Ida Sophia Hippach
Photograph of Gertrude Isabelle Hippach
Photograph of Anna Louisa Hogeboom
Photograph of Alexander Oskar Holverson
Photograph of Mary Alice Holverson
Photograph of Harry Haven Homer
Photograph of Frederick Maxfield Hoyt
Photograph of Jane Anne Hoyt
Photograph of William Fisher Hoyt
Photograph of Rose Amélie Icard
Photograph of Ann Eliza Isham
Photograph of Joseph Bruce Ismay
Photograph of Charles Cresson Jones
Photograph of Henry Forbes Julian
Photograph of Edwin Herbert Keeping
Photograph of Edward Austin Kent
Photograph of Frederick Roland Kenyon
Photograph of Marion Estelle Kenyon
Photograph of Edwin Nelson Jr. Kimball
Photograph of Susan Gertrude Kimball
Photograph of Herman Klaber
Photograph of Emilie Kreuchen
Photograph of Alice May Leader
Photograph of Berthe Leroy
Photograph of Ervin G. Lewy
Photograph of Erik Gustaf Lind
Photograph of Elizabeth Lindsey Lines
Photograph of Mary Conover Lines
Photograph of Milton Clyde Long
Photograph of Gretchen Fiske Longley
Photograph of Joseph Holland Loring
Photograph of Eugénie Elise Lurette
Photograph of Georgette Alexandra Madill
Photograph of John Edward Maguire
Photograph of Roberta Elizabeth Mary Maioni
Photograph of Pierre Maréchal
Photograph of Daniel Warner Marvin
Photograph of Mary Graham Carmichael Marvin
Photograph of Berthe Antonine Mayné
Photograph of Thomas Francis McCaffry
Photograph of Timothy John McCarthy
Photograph of James Robert McGough
Photograph of Edgar Joseph Meyer
Photograph of Leila Meyer
Photograph of Francis Davis Millet
Photograph of William Edward Minahan
Photograph of Lillian Mae Minahan
Photograph of Ida Daisy Minahan
Photograph of Philipp Edmund Mock
Photograph of Harry Markland Molson
Photograph of Clarence Moore
Photograph of Charles Natsch
Photograph of Arthur Webster Newell
Photograph of Marjorie Anne Newell
Photograph of Madeleine Newell
Photograph of Helen Monypeny Newsom
Photograph of Arthur Ernest Nicholson
Photograph of Alfred Nourney
Photograph of Fermina Oliva y Ocana
Photograph of Alfred Fernand Omont
Photograph of Helen Ragnhild Ostby
Photograph of Engelhart Cornelius Østby
Photograph of William Henry Marsh Parr
Photograph of Austin Partner
Photograph of Thomas Pears
Photograph of Edith Pears
Photograph of Victor Peñasco y Castellana
Photograph of Mary Anne Perreault
Photograph of Arthur Godfrey Peuchen
Photograph of Walter Chamberlain Porter
Photograph of Lily Alexenia Potter
Photograph of Johan George Reuchlin
Photograph of George Alexander Lucien Rheims
Photograph of Elisabeth Walton Robert
Photograph of Washington Augustus Roebling
Photograph of Charles Hallace Romaine
Photograph of Hugh Roscoe Rood
Photograph of Edith Louise Rosenbaum
Photograph of John Hugo Ross
Photograph of Lucy Noël Martha, Countess of Rothes
Photograph of Elizabeth Jane Anne Rothschild
Photograph of Alfred Rowe
Photograph of Arthur Larned Ryerson
Photograph of Emily Maria Ryerson
Photograph of Emily Borie Ryerson
Photograph of Susan Parker  Ryerson
Photograph of John Borie Ryerson
Photograph of Adolphe Saalfeld
Photograph of Emma Sägesser
Photograph of Abraham Lincoln Salomon
Photograph of Emma Schabert
Photograph of Frederic Kimber Seward
Photograph of Elizabeth Weed Shutes
Photograph of Spencer Victor Silverthorne
Photograph of William Baird Silvey
Photograph of Alice Gray Silvey
Photograph of Colonel (Oberst) Alfons Simonius-Blumer
Photograph of William Thompson Sloper
Photograph of John Montgomery Smart
Photograph of James Clinch Smith
Photograph of Lucian Philip Smith
Photograph of Mary Eloise Smith
Photograph of John Pillsbury Snyder
Photograph of Nelle Snyder
Photograph of Frederic Oakley Spedden
Photograph of Margaretta Corning Spedden
Photograph of Robert Douglas Spedden
Photograph of Max Stähelin-Maeglin
Photograph of William Thomas Stead
Photograph of Charles Emil Henry Stengel
Photograph of Annie May Stengel
Photograph of Albert Ankeny Stewart
Photograph of Martha Evelyn Stone
Photograph of Isidor Straus
Photograph of Rosalie Ida Straus
Photograph of Frederick Sutton
Photograph of Margaret Welles Swift
Photograph of Emil Taussig
Photograph of Tillie Taussig
Photograph of Elmer Zebley Taylor
Photograph of Juliet Cummins Taylor
Photograph of John Borland Thayer
Photograph of Marian Longstreth Thayer
Photograph of John Borland Thayer
Photograph of Gertrude Mabelle Thorne
Photograph of Gilbert Milligan jr Tucker
Photograph of Manuel Ramirez Uruchurtu
Photograph of Wyckoff Van Derhoef
Photograph of Annie Moore Ward
Photograph of Frank Manley Warren
Photograph of Anna Sophia Warren
Photograph of John Weir
Photograph of Percival Wayland White
Photograph of Richard Frasar White
Photograph of Ella Holmes White
Photograph of George Dennick Wick
Photograph of Mary Peebles Wick
Photograph of Mary Natalie Wick
Photograph of George Dunton Widener
Photograph of Eleanor Widener
Photograph of Harry Elkins Widener
Photograph of Constance Willard
Photograph of Charles Duane Williams
Photograph of Richard Norris Williams
Photograph of George Wright