Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic for Montauk, Long Island - 1910 vision

Passengers to take railway connection to New York

Daily Telegraph

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Proposed new port for White Star Liners
(From Our Correspondent)

New York, October 27 (1910).

The report that a new terminal for the White Star Line will be established at Fort Pond Bay, in the eastern end of Long Island, and will be ready for use by the Olympic and the Titanic next summer, is pronounced to be premature.
The scheme was first broached nearly 30 years ago by the late Mr Austin Corbin, President of the Long Island Railway. The position was then hopelessly handicapped by isolation from the mainland. Now the Pennsylvania Railroad tunnels give direct access from that point to the heart of New York City, and thence to all parts of the Continent.
Moreover, the Pennsylvania Railroad company controls the Long Island Railway system and can run trains direct from Montauk Point to New York, Washington, Chicago and San Francisco. The proposed port has ten fathoms of water at all times.
The time thence by train to New York is three hours, and by ship ten hours. Mr Ralph Peters, President of the Long Island Railway has said however: - “The possibility of the realisation of this scheme is greater than ever because of the presence of the Pennsylvania Railroad tunnels and because the steamship companies are building ships too large for safe docking at the New York piers.
“Nothing definite has yet been done, however, not even formal negotiations. Talk of the completion of a new terminal next summer is idle, since the engineering work would require two years.”
An Act of Congress would also be necessary to authorise the opening of the new port.

(The Daily Telegraph, Friday October 28, 1910, p.5)


Senan Molony, Ireland

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Titanic for Montauk, Long Island - 1910 vision (Daily Telegraph, Thursday 27th October 1910, ref: #3107, published 28 June 2004, generated 7th December 2024 12:08:35 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-for-montauk-long-island-1910-vision.html