Encyclopedia Titanica

First Class Titanic Victims

Name Age Class/Dept Ticket Joined Job Boat [Body]
30 1st Class Passenger
£151 16s
Southampton Businessman [135]
Photograph of Hudson Joshua Creighton Allison
25 1st Class Passenger
£151 16s
Photograph of Bess Waldo Allison
2 1st Class Passenger
£151 16s
Photograph of Helen Loraine Allison
39 1st Class Passenger
H&W Guarantee Group
Belfast Shipbuilder
Photograph of Thomas Andrews
71 1st Class Passenger
£49 10s 1d
Cherbourg Businessman [22]
Photograph of Ramon Artagaveytia
47 1st Class Passenger
£247 10s 6d
Cherbourg Property Developer / Real Estate [124]
Photograph of John Jacob Astor
48 1st Class Passenger
£25 18s 6d
Cherbourg Businessman
Photograph of John David Baumann
24 1st Class Passenger
£247 10s 5d
Photograph of Quigg Edmond Baxter
36 1st Class Passenger
£75 4s 10d
Southampton Landowner A [331]
Photograph of Thomson Beattie
24 1st Class Passenger
Cherbourg Diamond Dealer [148]
Photograph of Jakob Birnbaum
45 1st Class Passenger
£35 10s
Southampton Businessman
Photograph of Stephen Weart Blackwell
41 1st Class Passenger
£26 11s
Southampton Property Developer / Real Estate
Photograph of John James Borebank
41 1st Class Passenger
£30 10s
Southampton Businessman
Photograph of John Bertram Brady
48 1st Class Passenger
£50 9s 11d
Cherbourg [208]
Photograph of Emil Franklin Brandeis
45 1st Class Passenger
£39 12s
Cherbourg Doctor
Photograph of Arthur Jackson Brewe
46 1st Class Passenger
£26 11s
Southampton Military
Photograph of Archibald Willingham Butt
Photograph of Alexander Milne Cairns
Photograph of Frans Olof Carlsson
Photograph of Francisco Mauro Severiano Carrau
Photograph of José Pedro Carraú-Esteves
Photograph of Howard Brown Case
Photograph of Tyrell William Cavendish
Photograph of Herbert Fuller Chaffee
Photograph of Roderick Chisholm
Photograph of Walter Miller Clark
Photograph of George Quincy Clifford
Photograph of Edward Pomeroy Colley
Photograph of John Bertram Crafton
Photograph of Edward Gifford Crosby
Photograph of John Bradley Cumings
Photograph of Thornton Davidson
Photograph of Walter Donald Douglas
Photograph of Edith Corse Evans
Photograph of Benjamin Laventall Foreman
Photograph of Mark Fortune
Photograph of Charles Alexander Fortune
Photograph of Thomas Parnham Franklin
Photograph of Richard Thomas Fry
Photograph of Jacques Heath Futrelle
Photograph of Arthur Gee
Photograph of Victor Gaitan Andrea Giglio
Photograph of George Edward Graham
Photograph of Benjamin Guggenheim
Photograph of Henry Burkhardt Harris
Photograph of Charles Melville Hays
Photograph of Christopher Head
Photograph of Herbert Henry Hilliard
Photograph of William Edward Hipkins
Photograph of Alexander Oskar Holverson
Photograph of William Fisher Hoyt
Photograph of Ann Eliza Isham
Photograph of Charles Cresson Jones
Photograph of Henry Forbes Julian
Photograph of Edwin Herbert Keeping
Photograph of Edward Austin Kent
Photograph of Frederick Roland Kenyon
Photograph of Herman Klaber
Photograph of Ervin G. Lewy
Photograph of Erik Gustaf Lind
Photograph of Milton Clyde Long
Photograph of Joseph Holland Loring
Photograph of John Edward Maguire
Photograph of Daniel Warner Marvin
Photograph of Thomas Francis McCaffry
Photograph of Timothy John McCarthy
Photograph of Edgar Joseph Meyer
Photograph of Francis Davis Millet
Photograph of William Edward Minahan
Photograph of Harry Markland Molson
Photograph of Clarence Moore
Photograph of Charles Natsch
Photograph of Arthur Webster Newell
Photograph of Arthur Ernest Nicholson
Photograph of Engelhart Cornelius Østby
Photograph of William Henry Marsh Parr
Photograph of Austin Partner
Photograph of Thomas Pears
Photograph of Victor Peñasco y Castellana
Photograph of Walter Chamberlain Porter
Photograph of Johan George Reuchlin
Photograph of Washington Augustus Roebling
Photograph of Hugh Roscoe Rood
Photograph of John Hugo Ross
Photograph of Alfred G. Rowe
Photograph of Arthur Larned Ryerson
Photograph of William Baird Silvey
Photograph of John Montgomery Smart
Photograph of James Clinch Smith
Photograph of Lucian Philip Smith
Photograph of William Thomas Stead
Photograph of Albert Ankeny Stewart
Photograph of Isidor Straus
Photograph of Rosalie Ida Straus
Photograph of Frederick Sutton
Photograph of Emil Taussig
Photograph of John Borland Thayer
Photograph of Manuel Ramirez Uruchurtu
Photograph of Wyckoff Van Derhoef
Photograph of Frank Manley Warren
Photograph of John Weir
Photograph of Percival Wayland White
Photograph of Richard Frasar White
Photograph of George Dennick Wick
Photograph of George Dunton Widener
Photograph of Harry Elkins Widener
Photograph of Charles Duane Williams
Photograph of George Wright