Encyclopedia Titanica

Second Class Titanic Victims

We found 166 people.

Name Age Class/Dept Ticket Joined Job Boat [Body]
30 2nd Class Passenger
35 2nd Class Passenger
Southampton Chauffeur
17 2nd Class Passenger
£11 10s
Photograph of Edgar Samuel Andrew
26 2nd Class Passenger
£10 10s
Southampton Miner
Photograph of Frank Thomas Andrew
30 2nd Class Passenger
Southampton Tile Maker
57 2nd Class Passenger
18 2nd Class Passenger
£11 10s
Southampton Butcher's Assistant
Photograph of Percy Bailey
22 2nd Class Passenger
£10 10s
Southampton Horse Trainer
Photograph of Frederick James Banfield
Photograph of Robert James Bateman
Photograph of William Hull Botsford
Photograph of James Hollen Bracken
Photograph of William Theodore Ronald Brailey
Photograph of Roger Marie Bricoux
Photograph of Thomas William Solomon Brown
Photograph of Thomas Roussel Davids Byles
Photograph of William Campbell
Photograph of William Carbines
Photograph of Ernest Courtenay Carter
Photograph of Charles Henry Chapman
Photograph of John Henry Chapman
Photograph of Sarah Elizabeth Chapman
Photograph of John Frederick Preston Clarke
Photograph of Charles Valentine Clarke
Photograph of Reginald Charles Coleridge
Photograph of Erik Gustaf Collander
Photograph of Harvey Collyer
Photograph of Irene Corbett
Photograph of Mary Emma Corey
Photograph of Alfred Fleming Cunningham
Photograph of Sebastiano Del Carlo
Photograph of James Vivian Drew
Photograph of George Floyd Eitemiller
Photograph of Stanley Harrington Fox
Photograph of Anthony Wood Frost
Photograph of Annie Clemmer Funk
Photograph of Joseph Fynney
Photograph of William Gilbert
Photograph of Edgar Giles
Photograph of Frederick Edward Giles
Photograph of Ralph Giles
Photograph of John Gill
Photograph of Hans Kristensen Givard
Photograph of Reginald Hale
Photograph of William H. Harbeck
Photograph of John Harper
Photograph of Benjamin Hart
Photograph of Wallace Henry Hartley
Photograph of Samuel Herman
Photograph of Leonard Mark Hickman
Photograph of Lewis Hickman
Photograph of Stanley George Hickman
Photograph of Martta Maria Hiltunen
Photograph of Richard George Hocking
Photograph of Henry Price Hodges
Photograph of Stephen Hold
Photograph of Benjamin Howard
Photograph of Ellen Truelove Howard
Photograph of John Law Hume
Photograph of George Henry Hunt
Photograph of Denzil John Jarvis
Photograph of Stephen Curnow Jenkin
Photograph of Charles Leonard Kirkland
Photograph of Robert Knight
Photograph of Georges Alexandre Krins
Photograph of Johan Henrik Johannesson Kvillner
Photograph of William Lahtinen
Photograph of Anna Amelia Lahtinen
Photograph of John J. Lamb
Photograph of Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche
Photograph of René Jacques Lévy
Photograph of Charles Louch
Photograph of Frank Hubert Maybery
Photograph of Arthur Gordon McCrae
Photograph of James Matthew McCrie
Photograph of Jacob Christian Milling
Photograph of Juozas Montvila
Photograph of Ernest Moraweck
Photograph of Henry Samuel Morley
Photograph of Thomas Francis Myles
Photograph of Niqūlā Khalīl Naṣr Allāh
Photograph of Michel Navratil
Photograph of Joseph Charles Nicholls
Photograph of Robert Douglas Norman
Photograph of Richard Otter
Photograph of Alfred Pain
Photograph of Francis Parkes
Photograph of René Pernot
Photograph of Josef Peruschitz
Photograph of Escott Robert Phillips
Photograph of Peter Henry Renouf
Photograph of Reginald Harry Rogers
Photograph of Augustus Schmidt
Photograph of Charles Frederick Waddington Sedgwick
Photograph of Ernst Adolf Sjöstedt
Photograph of Samuel Ward Stanton
Photograph of Philip Joseph Stokes
Photograph of George Frederick Sweet
Photograph of Percy Cornelius Taylor
Photograph of James Veal
Photograph of William Jeffery Ware
Photograph of Léopold Weisz
Photograph of Edwin Charles  Wheeler
Photograph of John Wesley Woodward