Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic Passengers and Crew Born in Liverpool

Name Age Class/Dept Ticket Joined Job Boat [Body]
Carpathia Crew
Photograph of Edward Abbott
35 Victualling Crew Southampton Bedroom Steward (1st Class)
Photograph of Robert Spencer Allen
19 Victualling Crew Southampton Saloon Steward (2nd class) 16 
Photograph of Charles Edward Andrews
26 Victualling Crew Southampton Clerk
Californian Crew
Able Seaman
Carpathia Crew
34 Engineering Crew Southampton Greaser
Carpathia Crew
2nd Steward
Photograph of William Thomas Barton
Carpathia Crew
Extra 3rd Cook
47 Engineering Crew Southampton Fireman
Photograph of John Charles Bigham
Photograph of Sydney Percival Birkett
Photograph of James Gordon Partridge Bisset
Photograph of Joseph Blakely
Photograph of Edward Arthur Brown
Photograph of Ernest G. F. Brown
Photograph of Richard Edward Burke
Photograph of Henry Charles Coleman
Photograph of William Patrick Collopy
Photograph of Charles Cope
Photograph of George Henry Corless
Photograph of Frederick Horace Crafter
Photograph of Charles James Cullen
Photograph of Bernard Cunningham
Photograph of Thomas Patrick Dillon
Photograph of John James Eagleton
Photograph of Thomas Alfrd Eddon
Photograph of George Richard Evans
Photograph of Thomas Richard Eves
Photograph of William Edward Farquharson
Photograph of Thomas Joseph Fay
Photograph of Frederick Fleet
Photograph of Thomas South Foxon
Photograph of George Gardner
Photograph of John Robert Giles
Photograph of Thomas Gould
Photograph of Mary Josephine Gregson
Photograph of George Harris
Photograph of John Henry Hesketh
Photograph of J. Stuart Holden
Photograph of Nicholas Joseph Holme
Photograph of Joseph Howarth
Photograph of William Thomas Hughes
Photograph of Leo James Hyland
Photograph of James William Kieran
Photograph of Arthur King
Photograph of Patrick Kirk
Photograph of Joseph Kirk
Photograph of John James Kirkpatrick
Photograph of Elizabeth Mary Leather
Photograph of Hugh Walter McElroy
Photograph of Hypatia McLaren
Photograph of Herbert McMath
Photograph of Arthur McMicken
Photograph of Benjamin Tucker McMicken
Photograph of Thomas Patrick Murphy
Photograph of Hubert Hutchinson Newbold
Photograph of Robert O'Brien
Photograph of Thomas Peter O'Connor
Photograph of Leo Francis Parkes
Photograph of Charles Proctor
Photograph of Michael Regan
Photograph of Charles John Rice
Photograph of Alexander Gibson Riddell
Photograph of Gilbert Rimmer
Photograph of Frederick Alfred Roberts
Photograph of Mary Kezia Roberts
Photograph of John Gerald Rooney
Photograph of Peter Sloan
Photograph of Christopher Smith
Photograph of Ernest Wainwright St. Clair
Photograph of John Herbert Strugnell
Photograph of Albert Charles Thomas
Photograph of John William Thompson
Photograph of Thomas James Thorpe
Photograph of Thomas Threlfall
Photograph of Brook Holden Webb
Photograph of Edenser Edward Wheelton
Photograph of James Whittaker
Photograph of Henry Tingle Wilde
Photograph of Bernard Joseph Wilkinson
Photograph of Bertie Wilson
Photograph of Alfred Wood
Photograph of William Wright