In the second instalment of Titanic's Hidden Treasures, we look at several items of photographic equipment recovered from the debris field and even a sliver of nitrate film.
The only item that can be linked to a passenger is an envelope from a Salt Lake City Photographic company C.R. [Charles Roscoe] Savage & Co., which was found in luggage belonging to Howard Irwin. Irwin himself was not aboard the Titanic but his friend and travelling companion Henry Sutehall was a third-class passenger, and for some reason was bringing Irwin's luggage with him. In 1993 Irwin's trunk was recovered together with its contents. See A Tragic Friendship for more about Howard and Henry.

The next items are a camera tripod, developing tray and assorted camera parts. They were found together wrapped in a blanket. Whose were they? Any can you identify the make of camera?

This sliver of nitrate film was recovered during another dive and in a different location. The film has markings which might indicate that the film was exposed and developed photographic negative but further imaging and analysis would need to be done to establish if any recognisable images have survived.

Finally, three mystery objects thought to be from photographic equipment, but their exact purpose is unknown. Can you help identify them?

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