Colonel Gracie Was One of Last Passengers to Leave Sinking White Star
Liner---Had Lectured on That Disaster
New York, December 4---Colonel Archibald Gracie, of Washington, one of the
last passengers to leave the sinking Titanic, died here to-day in a private
hospital. Colonel Gracie went down with the vessel, but on coming to the
surface found a life raft, on which he afterward helped others. His
family is prominent in New York, Washington and Mobile. Ala.
Went to New York for Winter
Washington, December 4---For the past five or six years Colonel and Mrs.
Archibald Gracie maintained a residence at 1527 Sixteenth Street Northwest.
Several weeks ago they closed up their home and went to New York, where
their relatives live, to spend the winter. Thanksgiving Day they gave a
party at the Gotham Hotel there to formally present their daughter, Miss
Edith Gracie, to their friends.
About a week ago Colonel Gracie lectured before the University Club in this
city on "The Truth About the Titanic Disaster." In this talk he contradicted
many of the impressions the general public has received of the disaster. He
asserted that the band aboard the ill-fated steamer did not play the hymn,
"Nearer, My God, to Thee," until the ship took its final plunge. He said
that for a while the band did play some lively tunes, but no hymns. They had
ceased playing long before the vessel sank, he said.
Of a Well-Known Southern Family
Colonel Gracie came from a well-known Southern family. His father was a
colonel in the Confederate army. His own title of colonel came to him
through his service in the New York National Guard. Colonel Gracie leaves a
wife and one daughter. Mrs. Gracie was formerly Miss Constance Schack.
Colonel Gracie had written several books, including one entitled "The Truth
About the Battle of Chickamauga." He was at work on a book dealing with the
sinking of the Titanic at the time of his death.
Several years ago a daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Gracie was killed in an
elevator accident in Paris. She was eleven years old.
Manuscript Lost With the Titanic
Colonel Gracie had said his most serious loss in connection with the sinking
of the Titanic was that of the manuscript of an article on the War of 1812,
which he had spent a long time in preparing.
It was his intention to return to England to duplicate the data which he
lost when the Titanic went down. His trip abroad on that occasion had been
to gather this information.
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