Encyclopedia Titanica

William Albert Thomas Hebb

William Albert Thomas Hebb
William Albert Thomas Hebb

Mr William Albert Thomas Hebb was born in Southampton, Hampshire, England on 9 November 1889.

He was the son of William Hebb (1866-1934) and Mary Jane Jones (1868-1921). His father was from Winchester and his mother from St Laurence, Southampton and they had married in Southampton in early 1890 and had four children: Elizabeth Ellen (b. 1890), Frank Henry (b. 1900), Rose (b. 1906) and William.
Hebb first appears on the 1891 census living with his family at Oriental Terrace in Holy Rood, Southampton and his father is described as shipyard labourer.

The family have moved to 12 Cross Court by the time of the 1901 census. Sometime around 1908 Hebb joined the Royal Naval Reserves but he is not thought to have seen any service. On the 1911 census he is listed as living with his family at 5 Brewhouse Court, French Street, Southampton and described as being 22-year-old and unmarried, although no profession is stated.

When Hebb signed on to the Titanic he gave his age as 20, his address as 5 Bells Court, Southampton and his previous ship as the Olympic. Also serving on the Titanic was his brother-in-law Albert Sylvanus Hunt who was married to his sister Elizabeth, and Albert's brother Thomas Hunt, a fireman.

Albert Hunt and William Hebb
Albert Hunt and William Hebb (back row)

William Hebb survived the Titanic disaster, being one of around 20 men to have found refuge atop the overturned collapsible lifeboat B. He was not required to give evidence at either of the American or British Inquiries into the sinking and he returned to England and resumed a career at sea. He served in the merchant service throughout WWI and was still working at sea as of late 1924 when serving as a fireman aboard Ohio; he was then described as standing at 5' 9" and weighing 144lbs.

Hebb was married in 1916 in Southampton to Beatrice Larkin (b. 1892) and had two children, twin daughters Beatrice Ruby and Dorothea "Doris" Constance, born on 18 July 1922. His daughters would go on to marry brothers: Beatrice to Victor Stonier and Dorothea to John Stonier.
William Hebb reportedly battled with alcoholism in years after the Titanic disaster and this apparently contributed to his early death in Southampton on 16 June 1932. He is buried in Hollybrook Cemetery in Shirley, Southampton.

Southern Echo June 16, 1933 (Memoriam)
HEBB--In Loving Memory of a devoted husband and father, Albert William, who passed away June 16th 1932. "Tis not the tears the moment shed That tell of the hearts that are torn, But the lonely grief of the after years, Remembrance silently borne." -- His loving Wife and Children (Beatrice and Doris).

HEBB--In loving memory of our dear brother, William, called to rest June 16th, 1932--From Dad, Nin, Frank and Rose, and brothers-in-law Albert and Will. "Still to Memory Dear."

HEBB--In loving memory of William Hebb, the dear uncle of Arthur and Rose, who fell asleep 16th June, 1932. Ever in our Thoughts.

References and Sources

Public Record Office: BT350/CR10, Crown Copyright, Reproduced with Permission)

Comment and discuss

  1. Senan Molony

    Senan Molony

    Two Hunts, Hebb and Pragnell are picture on the back page of the Daily Sketch on Tuesday April 30, 1912. Hebb is holding a child and there is a woman standing alongside with her left arm over his shoulder. Quite intriguing.
  2. Dag Bertelsen

    Dag Bertelsen

    I am about to writing a book about my grandfather Albert Moss rescued by collepsible B. I intend til include some words on the other men on the raft, among them Albert Hebb. Can anyone tell who were his parents, siblings, wife and children and other important facts about him?
  3. Antony Brown

    Antony Brown

    The Young girl sitting on this mans lap is My Grandmother Rose Bathia Jones who died in 1976. She had three children Doreen Jones and Dorothy Jones and William Jones. All lived in Southampton.for more info contact me
  4. Sue036


    I am related to Albert William Hebb's wife and would be interested to hear from anyone related to them as I am researching the family history.

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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr William Albert Thomas Hebb
Age: 22 years 5 months and 6 days (Male)
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Single
Last Residence: at 5 Bells Court Southampton, Hampshire, England
Occupation: Trimmer
Last Ship: Olympic
Embarked: Southampton
Rescued (boat B)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Buried: Hollybrook Cemetery, Southampton, Hampshire, England

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Albert Sylvanus Hunt


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