Encyclopedia Titanica

Antoinette Flegenheim

First Class Passenger

Antoinette Flegenheim
Antoinette Flegenheim

Mrs Antoinette Flegenheim (Berta Antonia Maria Wendt)1, 48, was born in Himmelpfort near Berlin, Germany on 11 May 1863. She came to New York City in 1890 and that year married Alfred Flegenheimer. They had no children.

Alfred Flegenheimer died in Manhattan on 23 November 19072.

A wealthy socialite she lived in Manhattan and Berlin-Charlottenburg (Windscheidstr. 41). She travel back and forth between these two cities several times. Mrs Flegenheim boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger (ticket number PC 17598, £31, 13s, 8d). She was rescued in lifeboat 7.

On 20 June 1912, she married Paul Elliot White-Hurst in Buffalo, New York. Mr White-Hurst was a British subject.

Both lived in England and during world war one.  Antoinette was living in The Hague, The Netherlands probably divorced from her second husband.

After the war she went to Munich, Germany (Nibelungenstr. 90 – now Arnulfstr. 300).

She died in Frankfurt am Main on 8 April 1943.  She is buried, as Antoinette White Hurst, in Hauptfriedhof Frankfurt am Main, Stadtkreis Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany, the grave has since been removed.


1. Her husband's name appears to have been "Flegenheimer" but she generally used the shortened version of the name.
2. His body was placed in a "holding vault" at Salem Fields Cemetery until 21 January 1908 when it was shipped to Germany for burial

Research Articles

Gerhard Schmidt-Grillmeier Titanica! (2012) Antoinette Flegenheim - First Class Passenger on the Titanic
Research sheds new light on an elusive Titanic survivor...
Gerhard Schmidt-Grillmeier Titanica! (2016) Further On the trail of Mrs Flegenheim
Further research on Antoinette Flegenheim(er) first class passenger on the Titanic.

Newspaper Articles

Officers of the Titanic Taken from the Carpathia Secretly by Third Class Passengers' Gangway


Berliner Lokalanzeiger Photograph of Antoinette Flegenheim
Only known portrait of the Titanic Survivor


Some genealogical detail on Mrs Flegenheim

Comment and discuss

  1. Alisha


    this is mazin but bit boring
  2. Mike Poirier

    Mike Poirier

    A researcher on Ancestry.com has identified the following info on the elusive Mrs. Flegenheimer... I posted this under her bio as well. One question remains, who claimed her maiden name was Liche? *She was born circa 1871 to Wm. Wendt and Pauline Wagner *Her 1891 address was 135 E58 St *She was married to Alfred Flegenheimer on November 1, 1890 in NY *June 20, 1912 she married Paul Elliot White-Hurst in Buffalo, NY. *Paul White-Hurst was born in Stafford, England in 1878 and in 1912 was a resident of Toronto *Lived in Trafalgar Sq till the war when he sailed for Belgium to offer his services in the war office. According to his file, she lived at 'The Hague'. *The presumably separated sometime during the war *Her ex-husband re-married in 1932 ro Marion Angold and died in Wilstshire in 1964 As others searching Ancestry have found, she was still alive in Munchen, Germany in 1938
  3. Daniel Klistorner

    Daniel Klistorner

    Not sure if I’m too late in offering this opinion, but looking at the story of a Titanic survivor rubbing shoulders with the Nazis, this perhaps makes me think of Edith Rosenbaum / Russell. Though Jewish, she did claim to have met Mussolini and was fluent in German, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she perhaps went ‘under the raider’ in terms of her religion. She was extremely well travelled & confident so I wouldn’t be surprised if she felt reasonably comfortable in that company. Does anyone know any more about her movements in the 1940s? Daniel.
  4. John Paul Galvez

    John Paul Galvez

    She was 48. She entered Boat 7, first lifeboat to be lowered. On April 19, 1912, the "New York Herald" reported that she had refused to comment because a written notice had gone around in her lifeboat asking those on board not to give any information about the disaster. She said she felt obliged to comply with this request.
  5. Vera R. Gillespie

    Vera R. Gillespie

    Well done!

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mrs Antoinette Flegenheim (née Wendt)
Age: 48 years 11 months and 4 days (Female)
Nationality: German American
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 17598, £31 13s 8d
Rescued (boat 7)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Thursday 8th April 1943 aged 79 years
Buried: Frankfurt Hauptfriedhof, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany

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