Encyclopedia Titanica

Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg Bryhl

Second Class Passenger

Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg Bryhl
Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg Bryhl

Dagmar Jenny Bryhl. She was born on 2 September 1891 in Skara Stadsförsamling (parish), Skaraborgs County (now Västra Götaland County), Sweden, to Oskar Gustaf (a lawyer) and Ida Jenny (nee Gustafsson) Svendén

She boarded the Titanic at Southampton with her brother (or half-brother) 1 Kurt Arnold Gottfrid Bryhl and her fiancé Ingvar Enander. They were travelling to Rockford, IL to stay with their uncle, Oscar Lustig who lived at 511 Pearl Street. Kurt, who, unlike Dagmar and Ingvar was emigrating to America, acted as interpreter for them.

After the Titanic struck an iceberg Dagmar and the two men made it to the Boat Deck. Dagmar had been in a hurry and had not put on her shoes. Ingvar had promptly brought with him her shoes when he saw her come in her red slippers. They went to the port side of the boat deck accompanied by Henrik Kvillner. Dagmar got her shoes and Ingvar put the slippers in his Ulster pocket. Dagmar didn't remember the number on the boat, but she noticed that it was not even half full when lowered. Looking up she could see Ingvar and Kurt and beside them Henrik Kvillner standing on the deck wearing lifebelts.

Dagmar was probably rescued in lifeboat 12.

Upon her arrival in New York Dagmar wrote to her uncle in Rockford little knowing that he was already in New York searching for her:

Dearest Uncle,

As uncle has, of course, read in the newspaper, the Titanic has gone down. I don't know whether my fiance or my brother, Kurt, are saved. Evidently they are not for most of the men went under. I was saved and have been taken in charge by good people.
I am at a hospital, but am not sick, although very feeble. I have lost everything. I have no clothes, and so cannot get up, but must lay in bed for present.

I would have been glad if I had been permitted to die, because life no longer has any value for me since I lost my beloved. I feel myself so dreadfully alone in this land. These people are certainly good, but nevertheless do not understand me.
Could uncle possible come here, if it would not be too difficult or expensive? I would rather wish uncle to come, because father has spoken so much of you that I feel I know you best. I need someone to help me to rights. Perhaps uncle thinks I ask too much but I feel myself so bewildered and lonely. With the heartiest greetings to all relatives.

Uncle's affectionate,

Mr Lustig came to New York searching for Dagmar at the Scandinavian Immigrants' Home. However, he was unable to find her (he reported this in a telegram back to Rockford). Fortunately the hospital where Dagmar had been recuperating had also sent a telegram to Rockford telling Dagmar's relatives where she was being cared for. The relatives telegrammed back to Mr Lustig and told him where he could find Dagmar. Eventually they were reunited and travelled on to Chicago (?Rockford), IL on 24 April. However Dagmer was completely broken down and shortly afterward decided to return to Sweden. The White Star line paid for a ticket on the Adriatic which arrived at Liverpool on 12 May. According to the Liverpool Post Dagmar appeared to have recovered but now and then seemed to fall into trance, brought on by some unpleasant memory.

Dagmar finally made it back to Sweden where she later married a teacher, Eric Holmberg and settled in Kungsälv. She died on 4 August 1969 and is buried in Bergsalen cemetery, Kungsälv, Sweden (plot 3187).


  1. It is unclear if Kurt and Dagmar were brother and sister or half-siblings.  The father's name on the birth certificate is different but this may have been a clerical error.

References and Sources

Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, IL), 17 April, 1912
Liverpool Post, 20 May, 1912

Newspaper Articles

Chicago Tribune (17 April 1912) Sister and Brother Lost?
Belviidere Daily Republican (19 April 1912) Rockford Bound Girl Safe on Carpathia
Rockford Daily Register Gazette (25 April 1912) DAGMAR BRYHL TELLS OF TITANIC DISASTER
Rockford Republic (25 April 1912) TITANIC'S SURVIVOR COMES TO ROCKFORD
Rockford Morning Star (26 April 1912) TITANIC SURVIVOR ARRIVES IN ROCKFORD
New York Times (11 July 1912) Thanks for a Titanic survivor
David Shultz Rockford Register Star (21 December 1997) Titanic survivor had Rockford connection
Dagmar Bryhl aboard the Titanic with her brother and her fiancé


Documents and Certificates

(1912) Contract Ticket List, White Star Line (Southampton, Queenstown), National Archives, London; BT27/776,780


Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988) Titanic, Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0

Comment and discuss

  1. Deborah J. Hanson

    Deborah J. Hanson

    I am looking for any information or contacts for Dagmar Bryhl (Ingeborg), Kurt Arnold Gottfrid Bryhl or Ingvar Enander all 2nd class passengers. One article states Dagmar married a teacher, Eric Holmberg and settled in Kungsalv; while another article states she married Uno Aberg, an engineer, who was employed by the Nobel brothers. Uno worked in Baku, Russia in the oil industry and they had to flee on short notice in 1917 leaving everything behind because of the Russian revolution. My grandmother and her sisters use to correspond with relatives in Sweden but they are all deceased and the rest of our family has lost contact. If anyone has any more information I would appreciate learning what you might know. Thanks
  2. Arne Mjåland

    Arne Mjåland

    I have the obituary about Dagmar Bryhl from Kungalv Posten, Sweden. At the time of her death her surname was Holmberg. He was a teacher. It seems that he survived her. There was no Uno Åberg mentioned in the obituary. I have quiet many obituaries (about 150) about surviving Titanic passengers. Also I have some about those who perished in the disaster. May be I have the one you are looking for? Please let me know.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg Bryhl
Age: 20 years 7 months and 13 days (Female)
Nationality: Swedish
Marital Status: Single
Last Residence: in Skara, Västergötland, Sweden
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 236853, £26
Rescued (boat 12)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Monday 4th August 1969 aged 77 years
Buried: Bergsalen Cemetery, Kungälv, Sweden

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