Encyclopedia Titanica

Harry Anderson

First Class Passenger

Mr Henry "Harry" Anderson was born in Manhattan, New York on 20 October 1869.1

He was the son of Henry Rhind Anderson (1833-1911), a gold broker, and Elizabeth Antoinette Diaper (b. 1841). His father was Scottish by birth, hailing from South Leith, Midlothian and he had come to the USA in 1851. His mother was born in New York to English and American parents.

Harry had two known siblings: Charles (b. 1862) and Bessie (b. 1864).

He appears on the 1870 census living with his now widowed father (reportedly) and his siblings in Manhattan. After this the family seem to drop off the radar but his sister Bessie is known to have died young on 17 February 1895 and his brother Charles may also have succumbed at an early age. His father later returned to Britain around 1891.

Harry was married in Manhattan on 8 April 1907 to Grace Irene Ryder (b. 14 November 1876). A New York native, Grace was the daughter of Thomas Ryder and Emily Lawrence. She and Harry would have no children and when they appeared on the 1910 census they were residents of 823 West End Avenue in Manhattan; Harry was then described as a stockbroker. He was also commodore of the yacht division of the New York Athletic Club.

Harry had spent the summer of 1911 in London and his father, a resident of Regent Street, Middlesex, died on 1 August. His estate, settled on 12 August, was valued at £7225, 15s, 7d and Harry was one of the recipients. He returned to New York in September aboard Minnehaha but soon returned to London in March 1912 for business and pleasure.

For his return to New York he boarded the Titanic in Southampton as a first class passenger (ticket number 19952 which cost £26, 11s) and occupied cabin E12. Whilst aboard he became acquainted with Mrs Cassebeer and is believed to have been au fait with Captain Smith on a friendly basis.

On the night of the sinking Harry left the Titanic in lifeboat 3 which was one of the first boats to leave.

Harry returned to New York and continued to work as a broker. He became a widower when his wife Grace died on 9 June 1915.

His 1919 passport describes him as standing at 5'5", of fair complexion, with grey hair and grey eyes. His address at that time was 203 West 103rd Street, New York and he worked for Roderick & Rumsey, 10 Bridge Street, New York. He would continue to travel back and forth to London on business trips. The 1920 census has him still living at 103rd Street but he stated he had no profession at the time.

He was remarried on 24 August 1926 to Florence "Flora" Gardner Daggett, née Makley (b. 26 January 1882). Flora was born in Troy, New York and was the daughter of John F. Makley and Anna Mohen. The couple continued to reside in New York at 103rd Street and were avid travellers. They later resettled, sometime in the early 1930s, on Grant Avenue in Pelham Manor, Pelham, Westchester, New York.

Harry Anderson's wife Florence Anderson died on 7 December 1937. Later the following year he again travelled to London, this time aboard Queen Mary. He appeared on the 1940 census living at Pelham Manor with his two servants, a husband and wife Nathan and Kathleen Jordan, both African-Americans.

Mr Anderson reportedly disliked discussion of the Titanic but his experiences did not diminish his love of sailing, although he was uncomfortable travelling aboard larger ships. In his later years he was a member of the Larchmont Yacht Club, the same club in which fellow survivor, Frederick Hoyt, was also a member.

Harry died in New York on 23 November 1951 at the age of 82. He and his wife were both buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in New York City.


  1. Birthplace sometimes incorrectly cited as Scarborough, Yorkshire on 20 October 1864.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List , White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])

Newspaper Articles

Binghamton Press (29 April 1912) Mrs. Cassebeer Account
New York Times (29 August 1916) Death Notice of Florence Anderson's First Husband
New York Times (6 February 1920) Stock Exchange Seat at $103,500
New York Times (25 August 1926) Marriage Announcement
New York Times (28 December 1937) Wills for Probate

Comment and discuss

  1. Cathy Cadd

    Cathy Cadd

    I was recently told that one of my greatgrandmothers brothers was on the Titanic. The only one that I found that could be him is Harry Anderson, a Wall Street stockbroker, who lived in New York. He was married to Flora Makley. Does anyone have any other information about this Harry Anderson. Great Site. Thanks Cathy Cathy Cadd Washington
  2. christian


    Harry Anderson (1st class survivor) was my great great grandfather, I would be grateful if you could find me mor iniformation. christian Reading U.K
  3. cheryl


    Sent shivers up my spine An absolute terrific site Found A former Scarborian by the name of 'Moody' 6th officer I beleive? Scarborough is were I was born Truely amazing thankyou Cheryl
  4. Bob Godfrey

    Bob Godfrey

    Hi, Cheryl. You might like to know that First Class passenger Harry Anderson (who survived) also was born in Scarborough.
  5. Christine Hughes

    Christine Hughes

    John Henry Hesketh was born on 29th January 1879 at 40 Croylands Street, Kirkdale, Lancashire. His father Henry was actually born in 1848 in Rainford but his age is mis-recorded in the 1881 (?) census so it appears that he was born in 1828.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Harry Anderson
Age: 42 years 5 months and 26 days (Male)
Nationality: American
Marital Status: Married to Grace Irene Ryder
Occupation: Stockbroker
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 19952, £26 11s
Cabin No. E12
Rescued (boat 3)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Buried: Woodlawn Cemetery, New York City, New York, United States

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