Mrs Edward Candee (Helen Churchill Hungerford), 52, was born in New York City on 5 October 1859 the daughter of Henry Hungerford and Mary E. Churchill. She was educated in various private schools in New Haven and Norwalk, CT. She married Edward Candee and had one daughter, Edith, who married Harold C. Mathews.
Helen considered herself to be an author and lectured on the Liberal Arts and the Orient. Among her writings were: "Susan Truslow" in 1900, "An Oklahoma Romance" in 1901, "How Women May Earn a Living" in 1900, "Decorative Styles and Periods" in 1906, "The Tapestry Book" in 1912, "Angkor, the Magnificent" in 1924, "New Journeys In Old Asia" in 1927, and "Weaves and Draperies" in 1931. She was decorated by the government of French-Indo China in 1929 and was a member of the India Society of London as well as the Les Amis de l'Orient of Paris.
Mrs Candee boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger. She was travelling to Washington DC. She was rescued in lifeboat 6. She had given an antique cameo of her mother to Edward A. Kent for safekeeping as she thought he would have a better chance of surviving the sinking than she did. Although Mr Kent died, his body was recovered and the cameo was found in his clothing and returned to Mrs Candee. She was a strikingly beautiful woman and Archibald Gracie included her in his "Our Coterie" group.
Mrs Candee died in York, York County, Maine on 23 August 1949 and is buried in York at First Parish Cemetery.

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