Encyclopedia Titanica

Margaretta Corning Spedden

First Class Passenger

Margaretta Corning Spedden
Margaretta Corning Spedden

Mrs Frederic Oakley Spedden (Margaretta Corning Stone) known as "Daisy" was born in 1872 in Morristown, New Jersey. She lived, with her husband Frederic and son Douglas at Wee Wah Lodge in Tuxedo Park, NY.

Daisy enjoyed photography and travelling and kept detailed diaries of their journeys overseas.

The year after their experience on the Titanic Daisy wrote and illustrated a small storybook that she gave to her son Douglas for Christmas. "My Story" was told through the eyes of a toy bear, and describes the European travels, the sinking of the Titanic and the subsequent rescue.

Following the death of young Douglas in 1915, Daisy stopped writing her diaries but continued with her photography and travels. Daisy and Frederick continued to divide their time between Tuxedo Park and Bar Harbor until Frederick's death in 1947. Daisy died February 10, 1950 at the age of 77.

Some forty years later Mr Leighton H. Coleman III, a relative of Daisy's, discovered Daisy's diaries, photo albums and the storybook in a trunk in the attic. He has had the storybook fully illustrated, and published under the title "Polar, the Titanic Bear".

Newspaper Articles

New York Times (7 June 1900) Spedden-Stone
Devon and Exeter Gazette (14 May 1912) The Titanic's End : Graphic Description by Woman Survivor
New York Times (4 February 1947) DIES IN SWIMMING POOL
New York Times (11 February 1950) MRS. FREDERIC SPEDDEN
New York Times (11 February 1950) Obituary of Margaretta Spedden
New York Times (23 September 1950) $340 FOR 4 PERIOD CHAIRS
New York Times (24 September 1950) CABINET IS SALE FEATURE


Colonel Archibald Gracie (1913) The Truth about the Titanic, Mitchell Kennerley, New York

In the Titanic Store

Daisy Spedden (2001) Polar the Titanic Bear, Little Brown & Co.

Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mrs Margaretta Corning Spedden (née Stone)
Age: 39 years 4 months and 26 days (Female)
Nationality: American
Marital Status: Married to Frederic Oakley Spedden
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 16966, £134 10s
Cabin No. E34
Rescued (boat 3)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Friday 10th February 1950 aged 77 years
Buried:Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, United States

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