Encyclopedia Titanica

Phyllis May Quick

Second Class Passengers

Phyllis May Quick
Phyllis May Quick

Miss Phyllis May Quick was born in Plymouth, Devon on 27 July 1909, the daughter of Mr Frederick Charles Quick (Plasterer) and Jane Quick and sister to Winifred Vera Quick.

The family had emigrated to Detroit in about 1910 and she returned to Plymouth with her mother and sister early in 1912 for a visit to her mother's family. Their return to America was as second class passengers on the Titanic.

The family were rescued in lifeboat 11.

On leaving school Phyllis worked for a telephone company until her marriage to William Austin Murphy (10 March 1906 - 11 July 11 1989), they had 4 children and lived at 3009 Marlborough Street, Detroit.

Phyllis took her own life by a gunshot wound to the head on 15 March 1954 aged 45, at her home in Detroit. She was interred in the Mount Olivet Cemetery, Detroit (Section 20, lot 1542) on 18 March 1954.

Phyllis Quick  Grave
Phyllis Quick's grave at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Detroit


Research Articles

The tragic stories of Titanic survivors who died prematurely...

Newspaper Articles

Detroit Journal (20 April 1912) Mrs. Jane Quick

Quick Family Photographs

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  1. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    I interested in Phyllis Quick, who was born in 1909 in Plymouth, England. She boarded on the Titanic with her mother Jane Quick (nee Richards) and sister Winifred Quick. All three were rescue in lifeboat 11. In the future Phyllis married William Austin Murphy (when?). They had four children (Does any Phyllis' child still alive?). She died in 1954. Why did she commit suicide? I read that unknown woman wanted kidnap her after Titanic's disaster. True or false? I look for some informations about her life after "unsinkable ship" sinking. Please help me! Magda
  2. Brian J. Ticehurst

    Brian J. Ticehurst

    Dear Magda, Below is my printout on Phyllis - it may be of some help: QUICK, MISS PHYLLIS MAY. Saved in Lifeboat number 11. Born 27th July 1909. Died 15th March 1954, and was buried in the Mount Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan, Section 20, lot 1542. Family stayed together in lifeboat, Mrs. Quick was adamant that the family would not be separated. (From The Emergency and Relief booklet by the American Red Cross, 1913). Case number 384. (English). A mother 31 years of age, and two small children, coming to join her husband in Michigan lost baggage, insured for $125 and $200 in cash. They received hospital care, clothing, and $100 from other American sources of relief. ($400). Insurance claim B29. Property $3,190. (From the Detroit Journal, April 20, 1912). Mrs. Jane Quick, wife of Frederick Quick 383 Brooklyn Avenue, with her two daughters, one aged eight and the other three years, all survivors of the Titanic, also arrived on the same train with Mrs Hamlin. ... Read full post
  3. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Fascinating informations, Brian! Thanks very much! I'm going to write Quick's family biography, so I your informations are very necessary for me. I've many informations about Jane and Winifred, but I can't gather news about Phyllis life. It's strange for me. Please sent me other info, if you have it. Thanks again! Magda
  4. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Does anyone has Phyllis, Winifred or Jane's photo? Where can I find their photo?
  5. John Clifford

    John Clifford

    Winifred Quick VanTongerloo died last year. There was an article about her in a recent THS Commutator.
  6. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Hi Brian and John! I found your informations. Thanks very much! Regards Magda
  7. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    I know that this is foolish question and I don't think that somebody know whether Phyllis left any letter after her suicide. And I wonder about her marriage's date. Magda
  8. Darren Honeycutt

    Darren Honeycutt

    Is Phyllis Quick buried in the same cemetary as David Vartanian?
  9. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Hello Darren! Phyllis Quick buried at Mount Olivet Cementery in Detroit, Michigan. David Vartanian buried also in Detroit, but at Woodmere Cementery. Go to his biography in Encyclopedia Titanica, if you want know more. Regards Magda
  10. Deborah Russes

    Deborah Russes

    Magda...write to the cemetery and ask for copies of any burial records (use the term "burial records"). Also, as a courtesy, offered to pay the copying costs. I do a lot of genealogical research, and you may surprised at the info you get back. When I did it, I got everything from headstone inscriptions, death certificates, personal letters regarding the burial, etc. Then pull clues from those sources to write to other places for info. This is only if you want to learn more about her past her Titanic ordeal. I guess you can tell I love doing genealogy. I think it is because it is like giant puzzle and I love to solve things.
  11. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Good advice, Deborah! I've written to the Mount Olivet Cemetery and I'm waiting for answer. I promise I tell you if I get some news. Regards, Magda
  12. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Hi everyone! I found little article about Phyllis in www saskschools.ca/~wcs/titanic/convertednewspaper.pdf (page 7) Regards, Magda
  13. mary mason

    mary mason

    Magda, have you read this article on the Quicks?
  14. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Mary, I read this interesting article in THS. Very nice, isn't it? Thanks and regards, Magda
  15. Karen Eindorf Murphy

    Karen Eindorf Murphy

    Thank you all for your research and articles. I am Phyllis' granddaughter, Karen and sadly never got to meet her. I did meet my Aunt Winnie and recall her telling me the story of the baby being thrown into their lifeboat. I had not heard the story about my grandmother being briefly kidnapped, so this was fascinating. Thank you again. Karen
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Phyllis May Quick
Age: 2 years 8 months and 19 days (Female)
Nationality: English American
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 26360, £26
Rescued (boat 11)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Monday 15th March 1954 aged 44 years
Cause of Death:
Buried: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan, United States on Thursday 18th March 1954

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