Encyclopedia Titanica

Alfons De Pelsmaeker

Third Class Passenger

Mr Alphonse De Pelsmaeker (1), 16, was born in Kerksken, Belgium on 29th September, 1895. He was one of six children in a family who lost their father in 1905. Alphonse's father had been one of the many independent weavers in Heldergem, Belgium, who owned a weaving loom. He had been driven out of work by the competition from the new textile mills that opened in the nearby cities of Aalst and Ninove. He gave up weaving and became a labourer working at building sites in Brussels. It was there that he was killed by a falling wall, leaving his wife Marie to raise the six children alone. The oldest child, Gustave, left for America first.

De Pelsmaeker boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a third class passenger (ticket number 345778, £9 10s). He was travelling to join his brother Gustave in Gladstone, Michigan. He travelled with a group from Denderhoutem, among them was René Lievens who lived very close to Alphonse.

Alphonse's actions aboard the Titanic remain a mystery because he died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.


Some documents list him as "Alfons".

References and Sources

Michael Findlay Revised Passenger List in Judith Geller Titanic: Women and Children First. Haynes. ISBN 1 85260 594 4
Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Herman De Wulf and Michael A. Findlay (1998) The Belgians and the Titanic. Voyage. #27

Newspaper Articles

New York Times (8 August 1913) Belgians Plan Titanic Suits
New York Times (13 September 1913) More Titanic Claims Filed
Belgian Consul Asks $46,250 for Lost Natives of His Country


Herman DeWulf, Belgium
Michael A. Findlay, USA
Georges Picavet, Belgium
Kassandra Picavet, Belgium

Comment and discuss

  1. Vickie Caceres

    Vickie Caceres

    Does anyone have any information on Alphonse De Pelsmaeker, third class passenger. I believe he may be a distant relative of mine and I would like to have any information listed to present at my family reunion this summer. Also I wonder if the spelling in this site of his last name is incorrect. My family spelling is DePelsMaeker. Thank you for any anticipated response.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Alfons De Pelsmaeker
Age: 16 years 7 months and 17 days (Male)
Nationality: Belgian
Occupation: Farm Labourer
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 345778, £9 10s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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