Encyclopedia Titanica

Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson Asplund

Third Class Passenger

Carl Asplund

Mr Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson Asplund, 40, was born on 7 May 1871 the son of Kristina Adlene Samuelson of Repperda, Gustafsgård, Ädelfors, Jönköping.

Carl Asplund, a farmer from Alseda village, Småland, Sweden, was married to Selma Augusta Emilia Johansson.

Carl and Selma Asplund had both lived in USA for some time, they got married there on 9 May (1896 ?). They returned to Sweden with their children Filip Oscar, Clarence Gustaf Hugo, Carl Edgar and his twin Lillian Gertrud.  Another son Edvin Rojj Felix was born in Alseda village in 1909. Their son Filip was by then very keen to move back to the USA. Finally, it was decided that all the family should emigrate once again to Worcester, Massachusetts.

Selma and Carl Asplund

Selma and Carl probably around the time of their marriage

The family boarded the Titanic at Southampton, they were travelling from Alseda to 151 Vernon St. Worcester Massachusetts.

When the accident occurred Carl (sometimes known as Charles) put all of their important papers including the cash in his pockets. Selma and the children Lilian & Felix were pushed into lifeboat 15 but the rest of the family were lost. Carl's body was later found (#142). Neither money nor other papers of value were found on the body. He was buried in the Swedish cemetery in Worcester, Massachusetts.


CLOTHING - Brown coat and vest; striped trousers; black boots.

EFFECTS - Gold watch; two memo books; gold chain and locket; brooch marked "F. of A."; keys; knife; plain gold ring.



Neither Selma nor Carl's mother appear to have claimed compensation, but the Mansion House Fund paid 2699.52 Kr (£148) on 8 March 1913 to Selma and 875.52 Kr (£48) to Carl's mother.

References and Sources

Record of Bodies and Effects: Passengers and Crew, S.S. Titanic (Public Archives of Nova Scotia) (#142)
Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklets and Minute Books
Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988, 1996, 1999) Titanic. Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0
Boston Post, 20 April 1912

Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson Asplund
Age: 40 years 11 months and 8 days (Male)
Nationality: Swedish American
Marital Status: Married to Selma Augusta Emilia Johansson
Last Residence: in Alseda, Småland, Sweden
Occupation: General Labourer
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 347077, £31 7s 9d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body recovered by: Mackay-Bennett (No. 142)
Buried: Old Swedish Cemetery, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

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