Encyclopedia Titanica

Domingos Fernandeo Coelho

Third Class Passenger

Domingos Fernandes Coelho was born on 19th June 1891 in Torreão, Madalena do Mar, Ponta do Sol, Madeira Island, Portugal, the son of José Fernandes Coelho and Jesuína da Ponte. He had eight siblings 1.

A single man working as an agricultural labourer, Domingos was granted passport number 518 on 20th March, 1912 by the Civil Government of Funchal. His destination was New York City.

Domingos travelled from Madeira Island to England and boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a third class passenger (ticket number SOTON/O.Q. 3101307, £ 7,1 s). He was accompanied by his friends José Neto Jardim and Manuel Gonçalves Estanislau.

Domingos Coelho lost his life in the disaster. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

His parents received £60 from the Titanic Relief Fund (case 136).


  1. Manuel, born on January 21, 1881, José, born on March 1, 1882, João, born on March 27, 1883, Maria, born on December 1, 1885, Luísa, born on March 7, 1887, Isabel, born on May 1, 1888, José, born on October 19, 1889, and Aires, born on June 8, 1894.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Marriages, births, deaths and injuries that have occurred on board during the voyage (PRO London, BT 100/259-260)
Arquivo Distrital do Funchal
Registos Paroquiais da Igreja de Madalen
Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklets and Minute Books
Christening Certificate
Passport Grant

Documents and Certificates



Rosa Coelho (Madalena do Mar, Madeira Island)
Filipe Prista Lucas, Portugal
José Luis, Portugal
Hermann Söldner, Germany

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Domingos Fernandeo Coelho
Age: 20 years 9 months and 26 days (Male)
Nationality: Portuguese
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: General Labourer
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 3101307, £7 1s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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