Encyclopedia Titanica

Edward Charles Biggs


Mr Edward Charles Biggs1 was born on 30 August 1891 at 2 East Place, Southampton, Hampshire, England.

One of seven children, he was the third child and second son of Thomas Biggs (1864-1935), a marine fireman, and the former Margaret Rose Sheppard (1865-1936), both natives of Southampton. 

His siblings were: Margaret Rose (1887-1957, later Mrs Bertie Peckham), Thomas John (1889-1960), Stephen (1896-1896), John Michael (1898-1971), Mary Josephine (1900-1984, later Mrs George Edward Nicolas) and Lilian May (1903-1982, later Mrs Richard Smith).

The Biggs family appear on the 1901 census as residents of Vyse Lane, Southampton; later on the 1911 census they were living at 7 Colsons Court on Charlotte Street, Southampton and Edward was described, like his father and elder brother Thomas, as a dock labourer. 

When he signed on to the Titanic on 6 April 1912, Biggs gave his address as 65 (Upper) College Street, Southampton. His previous ship had been the Orosava and as a fireman he received monthly wages of £6.

Edward Biggs died in the sinking and his body, if recovered was never identified. His parents received financial aid from the Mansion House Titanic Relief fund.


  1. The name Edward Charles comes from family sources. Another source gives his name as Edwin Alfred Biggs.

Documents and Certificates

Agreement and Account of Crew, National Archives, London; BT100/259
(1912) Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers and Seamen at Sea, National Archives, London; BT334/52 & 334/53
Hermann Söldner (2000) RMS Titanic: Passenger and Crew List 10 April 1912-15 April 1912, ä wie Ärger Verlag, Rüti, 2000

Comment and discuss

  1. Tony Peckham

    Tony Peckham

    Fantasitc site... Mr Edward Biggs (Fireman 58) was my Great Great Uncle... It has taken us some time to find him in the ship's crew listings, but this site has given us more information than we thought possible... Thank you...
  2. Dennis Roy

    Dennis Roy

    This man was called Edward Charles Biggs and not Edwin Alfred Biggs, I would know because he was my uncle Thank you for making this page as i have never found any evidence of him before.
  3. P R-C

    P R-C

    Many years ago (2002 or 03?), I saw the Titanic exhibit in Chicago. The Information Card I was given at the beginning of the tour had the name E. Charles Biggs on it. At the end of the tour, I found his name among those who had died. I have always remembered his name, and wondered about any family that he might have had, since he died unmarried, and with no children. I'm glad to read your comment here.
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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr Edward Charles Biggs
Age: 20 years 7 months and 16 days (Male)
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Fireman
Embarked: Southampton
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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