Encyclopedia Titanica

Harry Holman

Harry Holman was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England in the summer months of 1883. He was the son of William Edward Holman (1856-1897), a general labourer, and Priscilla Mary Unwin (1859-1905), both natives of Portsmouth who had married in 1880.

Harry had five known siblings: Joseph Edward (b. 1884), Alice Emma (b. 1887), Nellie Louisa (b. 1888) and twins Alfred John and Frederick James (b. 1890).

Harry first appears on the 1891 census 6 Trimmers Court, Portsmouth. His father was killed 1897 aged 41 in a crane accident at Portsea docks.  Harry initially launched a career as a fishmonger and appears as such on the 1901 census when he and his remaining family were living at Butcher Street, Portsmouth. When he went to sea is uncertain and his mother passed away in 1905.

Harry was married in Southampton in 1907 to Louisa Josephine Chiswell (b. 1887 in Southampton) but the couple would have no children. They appear on the 1911 census living at 10 Andersons Road, Southampton and Harry is described as a seaman for the White Star Line.

When he signed-on to the Titanic, on 6 April 1912 he lived at "Cathcart", Britannia Road, Northam, Southampton. As an able bodied seaman he received monthly wages of £5. His last ship had been the Dongola.

Holman died in the disaster. His body, if recovered, was never identified. The following death notice appeared in the Southern Daily Echo (26ril 1912):

HOLMAN -- On board S.S. Titanic, Harry, the dearly loved and loving husband of Louisa Josephine Holman, Cathcart, Britannia road, Southampton and Portsmouth, aged 27. Full of the hope of life, in the bravery of death. Portsmouth papers please copy.

Harry's widow Louisa was remarried three times, all without issue. Firstly in 1914 she was married to Albert G. Conabeer (b. 1892) but she was widowed in 1921. In 1933 she was once again married to Daniel Houston (b. 1886) but was again widowed five years later. Her last marriage was in 1941 to William Smith. She remained in Southampton for the rest of her life and died on 18 February 1957 aged 69.

Newspaper Articles

Southern Daily Echo (26 April 1912) Death Notice: Holman

Documents and Certificates


Gavin Bell, UK
Celia Bennett, Canada

Comment and discuss

  1. Carol Rosemary Clegg

    Carol Rosemary Clegg

    Would like to contact Celia Bennett with regard to Harry Holman. My grand mother was his sister and I think we are related. My e-mail address is Would like any more information on Harry Holman.
  2. Celia Bennett

    Celia Bennett

    Louise Josephine Chiswell was married to Harry Holman, AB he was a Quarter Master on the Donegal,prior to enlisting on the Titancic.Poor Harry never made it. I would like to hear from any Chiswell who may have been related. Heres hoping
  3. Jason D. Tiller

    Jason D. Tiller

    Hello Celia, Welcome aboard. I created a thread and moved your post to here, where it's more appropriate. All the best in finding other relatives.
  4. laura holman

    laura holman

    can anyone give me any information on Harry Holman? i know that he died aboard the titanic and his body was not recovered/identified and that preciously he resided in hants.
  5. Brian J. Ticehurst

    Brian J. Ticehurst

    Hello Laura - here is some extra information:-Holman, Harry. Lived in a house called Cathcart, Britannia Road, Northam, Southampton. Occupation - Able Seaman. Age 27. (Born in Hampshire). (Wife: Louisa Josephine). (Death Notice from the Southern Daily Echo 26th April, 27th April, 28th April,, 29th April, 2nd May 1912 and the Hampshire Independent 27th April, 4th May 1912 and Hampshire Advertiser 27th April 1912). Holman, Harry. Dearly Loved and Loving Husband of Louisa Josephine Holman, Cathcart, Britannia Road and Portsmouth. Aged 27. Aged 27. Deeply Mourned by His Sister Emily and Brothers in Portsmouth. (From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913) Number 6. Holman L. J. Widow. Class G dependent. (From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area) Date June 30th 1913. Case number C6. A grant of £2 per week be made from the Compassionate Fund due to sickness. Thats all I have - I hope it helps - best regards - Brian
  6. David Huffaker

    David Huffaker

    The wife's name was Louise Josephine Chiswell. The parents are William Edward Holman and Priscilla Mary Unwin. The siblings were (after Harry) Joseph Edward, Alice Emma, Nellie Louisa, possibly John,(I am not sure if this is the same as the next one) Alfred John and Frederick James. They were all born in Portsmouth.
  7. David Huffaker

    David Huffaker

    Louise's parents were William James Chiswell and Ellen Sarah Chandler. Siblings: Ellen Matilda, Ethel, Alice Emily, Louise Josephine, William James, Fillmer and Harry Louis. They were all born in Southampton. The younger two boys died in WWI. Alice died at the age of 4. William James' parents were James Ashe Gabb Chriswell and Matilda Bond. Going back to the earlier post - Priscilla's (Harry's mother) parents were James Unwin and Susanna Bolton.
  8. laura holman

    laura holman

    hi - thanks all! sorry to thank you so late - im new to the board and thought that i may get a prompter email if i had any responses!! thanks again, much appriciated - ill be able to continue with my research!
  9. Sindi Holman

    Sindi Holman

    I would like to know if I am related to him. I think my sister is going to check into it.
  10. Dee


    I am interested in Harry Holman because we share the same surname, I doubt that there is any direct relation but would be interested to find out.
  11. Dave Gittins

    Dave Gittins

    Dee, in cases like yours the thing is to work backwards from yourself. You will get two or three generations easily and you can look at the various branches of your family tree. Harry Holman lived not all that long ago and records should be there. The cost of searching varies a lot and in some places it's decidedly expensive. There are limits to what can be done online, so be prepared to dig into old files in all formats. Good hunting!
  12. Dee


    Thanks Dave, I have an extensive tree on Ancestry dating back to 1500's! I pay a monthly fee due to being so addicted to it! I have not followed all paths completely but it looks unlikely that I am related. Most of my Holman ancestors were from Cornwall.
  13. Michael Holman

    Michael Holman

    Bit of an old thread but Harry was my dads brother. Is confirmed in the family tree and quite interesting. My understanding is we have very few relatives. But anyway Hi if any are out there.
  14. Derek Minett

    Derek Minett

    I am related to Harry Holman he was my Great Uncle. My grand father Frederick James Holman was his brother who was also an able seaman and was mentioned during world war 2 as a coxwan on a barge at the time of Dunkirk and went back several times to rescue troops off the beaches. I was born in Portsmouth and was shown the old house in which my grand father lived in old Portsmouth at the turn of the 19th century. I left the UK in 1965 and emigrated with my family to Perth Western Australia. I have heard stories about the Titanic all my life and I am proud to be related to him.
  15. howard8865


    i found a HARRY LORIS CHISWELL born 1899 and FILMER CHISWELL born 1892 both were in ww1, is this the same ones you wrote here and found dates when they were both KIA and where they are buried and what regiments they were both served in.
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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr Harry Holman
Age: 29 years (Male)
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Married to Louisa Josephine Chiswell
Occupation: Able Seaman
Last Ship: Dongola
Embarked: Belfast on Saturday 6th April 1912
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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