Encyclopedia Titanica

Henry Lefebvre

Third Class Passenger

Henry Lefebvre board the Titanic with his mother Frances Marie Lefebvre and three siblings Ida, Jeannie, and Mathilde

All four lost their lives in the disaster.

See The Lefebvre family by Olivier Mendez.

Research Articles

Olivier Mendez Titanica! (2004) The Lefebvre family
A tribute to a French family who were all lost in the Titanic.

Newspaper Articles

Semi Weekly Iowegian (19 April 1912) MYSTIC MAN LOSES WIFE AND CHILDREN
Chicago Evening Post (25 April 1912) CHICAGO HEARS ECHO OF NEW TITANIC WOE
Centerville Daily Citizen (13 July 1912) FRANK LEFEVRE BEREAVED MINER CALLED ELOPER
Semi Weekly Iowegian (16 July 1912) Frenchman had too many wives
Man who lost wife on Titanic seems to have eloped with another from France

Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Master Henry Lefebvre
Age: 5 years 9 months and 1 day (Male)
Nationality: French
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 4133, £25 9s 4d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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