Encyclopedia Titanica

Husayn Mahmūd Husayn Ibrāhīm

Third Class Passenger

Mr Husayn Mahmūd Husayn Ibrāhīm (Houssein Hassan Abi al-Muna), 11, from Syria (now Lebanon) was travelling with Nāsīf Qāsim Abī-Al-Munà to visit his parents in America.

They boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as third class passengers.

While Albimona was somehow rescued from the Titanic, the boy was lost. His body, if recovered was never identified.

References and Sources

Elias, Leila Saloum (2011) The Dream and Then the Nightmare: The Syrians who Boarded the Titanic, the Story of the Arabic-speaking Passengers. Atlas, 2011. ISBN 978-9933-9086-1-4

Comment and discuss

  1. Andrew J. Kahl

    Andrew J. Kahl

    why didn't HASSAN ABILMONA, Mr Houssein Mohamed get in a lifeboat with ALBIMONA, Mr Nassef Cassem in lifeboat 15. I been wondering about this forever
  2. Michael H. Standart

    Michael H. Standart

    Hard to tell after nearly a century. My bet is that he didn't get into a boat for the same reasons a lot of the men didn't. He may not have been offered a spot, he may have been refused access or he may have declined an opportunity because he believed he had a duty to stay behind and defer to the women.
  3. Bob Godfrey

    Bob Godfrey

    Houssein Hassan was just 11 years old. He may or may not have been related to Nassef Albimona, but was certainly traveling in his care. The fact that the man found a place in a lifeboat and the child in his care did not was obviously questionable. Craig Stringer points out that Albimona later claimed to have placed the boy in another boat before looking for a means of saving himself. Maybe he did, but it's probably more likely that he simply lost contact with him in the crowd. It's possible that Hassan looked older than his years and wasn't admitted to a boat which Albimona had assumed would take him, or was later ejected to make way for a woman or younger child, but at this distance in time there's no way of knowing for sure what happened.
  4. Andrew J. Kahl

    Andrew J. Kahl

    Thanks Michael and Bob!
  5. Andrew J. Kahl

    Andrew J. Kahl

    I've developed a theory that Houssein simply got lost in the crowd or got misplaced in the loading of the lifeboats like the rest of the Asplund family did. Can anyone relate or have other theories! Much Obliged.
  6. Michael H. Standart

    Michael H. Standart

    Theories abound and not just for this one instance. The problem is that certainty is elusive, and since 1500 people didn't live to tell their side of the story, will probably remain so. This is one area where the maxim "Don't overthink the problem!" is good advice.
  7. Andrew J. Kahl

    Andrew J. Kahl

    Good point Michael! Thanks all!
  8. Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    So i have recently began to study up on the Middle Eastern passengers, because there is so little info on them and will be posting some information as it comes along.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Husayn Mahmūd Husayn Ibrāhīm
Born: circa.1901
Nationality: Syrian Lebanese
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 2699, £18 15s 9d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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