Encyclopedia Titanica

J. Hall

Mr J. Hall, 32, was born in London.

He gave his local address as 2 Westgate Street, Southampton (a lodging house).

Hall died in the sinking, his body if recovered, was not identified.

J. Hall is one of the victims about which nothing is known other than what was recorded in the crew agreement and register of deaths at sea.

Documents and Certificates

Agreement and Account of Crew, National Archives, London; BT100/259
(1912) Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers and Seamen at Sea, National Archives, London; BT334/52 & 334/53


Craig Stringer (2003) Titanic People (CDROM)


Comment and discuss

  1. tsenn14


    J. Hall was Junius Preston Hall. He was born in September of 1883 in Johnston County, North Carolina, USA.
  2. Arun Vajpey

    Arun Vajpey

    I believe the OP could be referring to this entry on the Ancestry site: The bit about "He was on the Titanic" appears like a later insertion. No supportive information. I know that it is not the most reliable site for such information, but on Wikipedia's list of Titanic's crew, the man is listed as Joseph Hall.
  3. tsenn14


    He was the brother to my great-grandfather, Charlie Festus Hall Sr.
  4. Arun Vajpey

    Arun Vajpey

    That's significant information IMO. What are the chances of an American working as a printer with a local newspaper somewhere in the US turning into a London-born fireman on board a White Star ship 2 years later? I think Fireman "J Hall" was who his ET bio says that he was; might have been a last-minute replacement, which probably explains why more personal details are unavailable.
  5. Arun Vajpey

    Arun Vajpey

    Thanks. Apart from the Mexican Anton Ferrary, all other firemen appear to be either British or Irish. Was there an American among the Titanic's "Black Gang"?
  6. Seumas


    At the moment I'm very sceptical about the claim Hall was an American and a relation of this new poster up the page but there wouldn't really have been anything to stop an American signing on among the crew. There was also a German (Augustus Kenzler) and a Dutchman (Wessel Adrianus van der Brugge) among the "Black Gang". Kenzler was one of several Germans among the crew. Among the stewards there were at least four Germans (Alfred Theissinger, Richard Paul Jozef Pfropper, Joseph Dominichus Heinen & Ludwig Müller), one Dane (Charles Valdemar Jensen), one Austrian (Henry Wittman) and one Frenchman (Paul Georges Lefebvre). There were also a few Australians and Canadians among the crew too, but because of the at times strange way the British Empire evolved, they were... Read full post
  7. Arun Vajpey

    Arun Vajpey

    So am I TBH. This Junius P Hall from North Carolina had been an Insurance Agent aound 1905 and then working in the printing section of a newspaper as late as 1910 (ET); it seems extremely unlikely that someone like him would turn-up as a fireman deep in the bowels of a transatlantic liner about 2 years later. Moreover, Thomas has found out Fireman J Hall was not one of the last-minute additions to the Black Gang, which means he must have been in that profession for a while and signed on rotuinely with others. He even had a Southampton address, although it was admittedly a lodging house (not uncommon among sailors about to embark on an ocean crossing in those days). No disrespect but unless tsenn14 is able to provide more convincing evidence to his claim, I cannot believe that Fireman J Hall was really an American from North Carolina. We already know that there are several... Read full post
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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr J. Hall
Born: circa.1880 in London, England
Age: 32 years (Male)
Nationality: English
Occupation: Fireman
Last Ship: Oceanic
Embarked: Southampton
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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