Encyclopedia Titanica

Jenny Lovisa Henriksson

Third Class Passenger

Jenny Lovisa Henriksson
Jenny Lovisa Henriksson

Miss Jenny Lovisa Henriksson was born on 21 December 1883 in Österplana, Skaraborg, Sweden.

She was the daughter of Per Henrik Larsson (b. 10 March 1855 at Medelplana, Skaraborg) and Mathilda Charlotta Gustafsdotter (b. 4 September 1854 at Wing, Skaraborg). Her parents had married 14 November 1880. 

Her mother died before 1890 and her father married Emma Kristina Pettersdotter on 19 October 1890.

She had a foster sister; Augusta Vilhelmina Alfredsdotter, b. 3 June 1889 at Österplana, Skaraborg, and two brothers; Karl Adolf, b. 30 September 1881, and John Birger, b. 16 January 1887; she also had a half-brother, Gustav Fridolf, b. 14 July 1891 (his mother was Per Henrik's second wfe).

Jenny had been working as a maid to a senior accountant at the National Bank, in Stockholm but she had earlier been housekeeper to the Lustig family in Skara and thus knew the siblings Kurt Arnold Gottfrid Bryhl and Dagmar Bryhl.

She may have lived with her cousin Elin Pettersson and the two had reportedly been enamoured with the idea of settling in America and it was not until the Skoog family, with whom they were related, came back to Sweden from that country but were deciding to return that the two young women elected to travel with them.

Jenny and Elin, along with the Skoog family, boarded the Titanic at Southampton as third class passengers (she travelling on ticket number 347086 which cost £7, 15s, 6d). They were travelling to Olaus Rask, 805 East 2nd Street in Iron Mountain, Michigan.

Jenny died in the sinking. Her body was later recovered (#3) but remained unidentified for many years. The clothes had the mark "J H" and Jenny was the only female passenger on board with those initials. The description includes a cholera belt; despite the name this was simply a long cloth wrapped for support and warmth around the waist. It often had pockets for cash. Her body was taken to Halifax and is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Mansion House Fund paid 875.52 Kr (£48) to her parents and a further 911 Kr (£50) damages were paid on 4 May 1914.

Henriksson grave
Grave #3


References and Sources

Dagens Nyheter, 18 April 1912

Research Articles

Peter Engberg-Klarström Titanica! (2020) Titanic's Stockholm Connections


Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988) Titanic, Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0

Comment and discuss

  1. Gianni


    Hello =) Are there any photos of the corpse of Miss Henriksson (# 3 buried at Fairview Lane Cemetery Halifax)ore when she was alive
  2. Michael H. Standart

    Michael H. Standart

    The information we have is at I'm sure there are photos of both but don't bank on any of her body being published. As far as I know, none have ever been published of any of the recovered bodies.
  3. Gianni


    what is whith the picture of wendla m. heininen or the body and the male body 240
  4. Michael H. Standart

    Michael H. Standart

    I don't understand what you're driving at here. Exactly what picture do you have in mind? What you see in the passenger and crew listing on the informational side of this website is pretty much all that's been placed here by the contributors. As for any photos of the bodies, by any reckoning they were pretty gruesome and for those reasons, very few if any have ever been made public.
  5. Gianni


    ok sorry, but I`am very interested in photos of Jenny Henriksson because she is one of my favorite passengers and i never find a photo of her =) but a other question, the bodie of jenny was identified some years ago, how they do that are there any relatives still living ?
  6. Michael H. Standart

    Michael H. Standart

    >>the bodie of jenny was identified some years ago
  7. Gianni


    ah ok thanks =D Gianni
  8. Stéfany Royer

    Stéfany Royer

    Portrait of Jenny Henriksson, found on an auction website.
  9. Stéfany Royer

    Stéfany Royer

    Picture above found here :
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Jenny Lovisa Henriksson
Age: 28 years 3 months and 25 days (Female)
Nationality: Swedish
Last Residence: in Stockholm, Uppland, Sweden
Occupation: Servant
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 347086, £7 15s 6d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body recovered by: Mackay-Bennett (No. 3)
Buried: Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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