Reverend John Harper, a baptist minister travelled with his daughter Nina Harper and Miss Jessie Leitch from London en route to Chicago. Rev Harper was on his way to Chicago to begin a series of revival meetings at the Moody church located on West Chicago and La Salle Avenue. He had been at the church during November, December and January of 1911/12 and his success there resulted in his being recalled to conduct a second series of meetings.
On the evening of April 14 the Reverend Harper and Miss Leitch were standing on deck admiring the sunset. "it will be beautiful in the morning," remarked rev Harper before retiring for the night. After the collision, Harper awakened his daughter, picked her up and wrapped her in a blanket before carrying her up to A deck. There he kissed her goodbye and handed her to a crewman, who put her into lifeboat 11 with Miss Leitch. Rev Harper went down with the ship.
A well-known photograph of the second class promenade, in which a young girl is seen holding her father's hand, is believed by many to show young Nina Harper and her father.
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