Encyclopedia Titanica

Jovo Čalić

Third Class Passenger

Mr Jovo Čalić (Uzelac), 17, was the son of Rade Calić.

An unmarried farmer from Breznik, Croatia, he boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a third-class passenger.

To reach his destination of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, he bought his ticket from the agent: Johann Isidor Büchel, Buchs for 170 Swiss francs (ticket number 315093, £8 13s 3d).

Jovo Čalić died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

His father Rade Calić in Brezik received £60 from the relief fund.


Jovo Calic is listed under his "calling-name" Uzelac.

Comment and discuss

  1. Torpie


    hi,I see the name Joso Uzelas on most passenger list's but not on here which i use the most..is he under another name or was he missed?thanks
  2. Hermann Söldner

    Hermann Söldner

    Hi, Mr. Uzelac travelled under his "calling" name. His real name was Calic. Hermann Soeldner
  3. Torpie


    Thanks alot Hermann,i clouldnt figure it out,again i thank you,regards,Jimmy
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Jovo Čalić (Uzelac)
Born: circa.1895
Age: 17 years (Male)
Nationality: Croatian
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 315093, £8 13s 3d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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