Miss Martta Maria Hiltunen was born in Kuopio, Finland on 7 February 1894, the daughter of Pekka Hiltunen (b. 1860) and Iida Muinonen (b. 1864).
Martta and her family had lived for some years in Kontiolahti, Utra where she was educated. On 21 March 1912 she was issued with a passport which entitled her to work in the USA for five years. She was travelling to the USA with Anna Hämäläinen and her infant son Wiljo who were residents of Detroit, Michigan. Martta would act as their housekeeper whilst in America.
Martta left Finland from Hanko on 3 April 1912 aboard the steamer Polaris. She boarded Titanic at Southampton on 10 April 1912 as a second class passenger (ticket number 250650 which cost £13) and may have shared a cabin with the Hämäläinens.
On the night of the sinking Anna Hämäläinen entrusted Martta with her suitcase during the evacuation. Martta accompanied Mrs Hämäläinen and her son to the upper decks but did not join them in a lifeboat, the reason for which is unknown.
Martha was there just a little while before we left,' said Mrs. Hamlin (sic), but there was a crowd and so much excitement that we became separated....
Martta Hiltunen died in the sinking and her body, if recovered, was never identified.
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