Encyclopedia Titanica

Mauritz Ådahl

Third Class Passenger

Mr Mauritz Ådahl 1 was born in Asarum, Blekinge, Sweden on 15 June 1881 in Asarum, Blekinge County, Sweden.  His parents were Ola Månsson, a carpenter b. 26 May 1840 at Åryd, Blekinge, and Elna (nee Persdotter; b. 8 June 1840 at Asarum, Blekinge) Ådahl, who had married 3 April 1878 in Baldringe in Malmöhus County, Sweden.

He had a sister, Ellen, b. 28 February 1879 at Asarum.

Mauritz worked as a carpenter and later emigrated to the USA in 1903, settling in Manhattan. He was married there on 6 October 1907 to Emelie Josefina Kristina Grönlund (b. 2 February 1881 at Umeå, Sweden), a native of Västerbotten. The couple had two daughters, Vera Margareta Elisabeth, b. 13 October 1908 in Brooklyn, New York, and Georgia Emelia Maria, b. 22 February 1910 in Brooklyn, New York.  The family were Lutherans.

Mauritz's wife was never comfortable living in America and in early 1911 returned to Sweden with her two daughters, Mauritz following them the following Christmas after the death of his father on 25 May 1911. They resettled in Asarum where they intended building a house and Mauritz continued to work as a carpenter and helped to provide for his widowed mother but intended returning to America to earn more money to help build his family's new home.

For the return to the USA Mauritz travelled with John Holm and on their way to Denmark they met Adelia Landergren from Karlshamn whom they encouraged to travel with them. None of them had originally planned to take the Titanic but due to the recent coal strike they were transferred. They boarded as third-class passengers in Southampton on 10 April 1912. Mauritz held ticket number C 7076 for which the fare was £7, 5s.

After the collision Mauritz and John Holm helped Adelia up to the boat deck and saw her off in lifeboat 13 but did not follow.

Ådahl died in the sinking and his body was later recovered by the MacKay-Bennett (#72). On him they found his watch that had stopped at 2.34, 14 minutes after Titanic sunk. He was buried at sea on 24 April 1912.


CLOTHING - Dark suit; brown socks; striped shirt; singlet marked "M.A."; no other marks.

EFFECTS - Silver watch and chain; pipe; book; comb; knife; key chain; sleeve-links; ring marked "MA"; 100 kroner.


The Mansion House Fund paid 1784.58 Kr (£98) to his wife and children on 23 January 1913 and 509.8 Kr (£28) to his mother on the same day. Further damages of 6006 Kr (£325) were paid to the wife, children and mother on 10 October 1914.

Emelie probably knew that Mauritz had been buried at sea but had never told the children. When the Ådahl's grandchildren planned to visit the grave in Halifax they were shocked to discover the truth. During a recent expedition on the vessel Nadir a wreath-laying ceremony was held on deck for Mauritz. After Mauritz's death Emelia lived in destitution and had to earn her living among other things by sewing flags. She died in 1947.

His mother died 4 January 1930 at Asarum.


  1. Frequently incorrectly listed as Mauritz Nils Martin Ådahl, likely being confused with another Swedish passenger Nils Martin Ödahl. No middle names were listed on Ådahl's birth record.

References and Sources

Record of Bodies and Effects: Passengers and Crew, S.S. Titanic (Public Archives of Nova Scotia) (#72)
Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988,
1996, 1999) Titanic. Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0
Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklets and Minute Books

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  1. Bandit Queen

    Bandit Queen

    Why did no-one let the family know the truth and why keep it from the next generation? It is sad enough that these men died without relatives knowing they had been buried at sea. And what is wrong with being buried at sea? It is still a place to go and mourn and I know it is not the same as a physical memorial, but surely we remember our loved ones in our hearts and it makes no difference where they are buried or laid to rest? The two men were very brave and Emelia was brave but it is also sad that she continued to have a hard life.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Mauritz Ådahl
Age: 30 years 10 months (Male)
Nationality: Swedish
Marital Status: Married to Emilie Grönelund
Last Residence: in Asarum, Småland, Sweden
Occupation: Carpenter / Joiner
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 7076, £7 5s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body recovered by: Mackay-Bennett (No. 72)
Buried at Sea on Wednesday 24th April 1912

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