Encyclopedia Titanica

Nathan Goldsmith

Shoe dealer originally from Lithuania

Mr Nathan (Neshenye) Goldsmith was born in Kreidburg, Russia c. 1871.1

He married Soreh Mett at Panevėžys, Kovno, Lithuania, about 1897, a son, Michael, was born on 9 June 1898 at Lonenes (or Ponevez), Lithuania.

In 1907 Nathan, Sorah and Michael left Libau, Russia (today in Liepāja, Latvia) on the vessel Rassa and travelled to England; from there they travelled as third-class passengers on the steamship Petersburg to New York, arriving on 13 June 1907 (or possibly 1 July). He was noted as a shoemaker aged 37.2  The family was bound for 126 Bainbridge Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where Mrs. Goldsmith’s brother Chr. Mett lived. Mrs. Goldsmith’s mother Mina (?) Malys (or Mett), 60, also travelled with them. Nathan Goldsmith, listed Neshenye Goldsmith, was 5’3’’ tall and had brown hair (and blue eyes?).

A second son, Irving, was born 24 December 1907 (d. 1970,  in Tennessee) in Philadelphia.

Goldsmith had left the family in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania and gone to work in South Africa.  He sent money to his wife every Monday from South Africa while he was working there.   He was now returning to the family at 2027 South 7th Street., Philadelphia.  He boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a third class passenger (ticket number SOTON/O.Q. 3101263, £7, 17s).

Goldsmith lost his life in the disaster. It was reported that his wife travelled to Halifax in the hope of discovering his body, but it was not among those that were recovered.

She and her family received financial aid from the Red Cross.


  1. This may be in the Courland region of Latvia, or possibly in Lithuania.
  2. The passenger list gave his age as 41, the Red Cross file says he was 36.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Marriages, births, deaths and injuries that have occurred on board during the voyage (PRO London, BT 100/259-260)

Newspaper Articles

The husband, thirty-six years of age, a shoe dealer, was drowned.
(19 April 1912) Nathan Goldsmith
His name is on the list of the missing
Evening Bulletin (23 April 1912) STEERAGE VICTIM LIVED HERE
Friends Are Taking up Fund for Relief of the Widow of Nathan Goldsmith
Camden Post-Telegram (27 April 1912) MR. SUTTON'S BODY TO BE SENT HOME

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Nathan Goldsmith
Born: circa.1871
Age: 41 years (Male)
Physical Features:
Nationality: Russian American
Religion: Jewish
Marital Status: Married to Soreh Mett
Occupation: Shoemaker
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 3101263, £7 17s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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