Encyclopedia Titanica

Samuel Niklasson

Third Class Passenger

Samuel "Sandel" Niklasson, 28, was born at Västra Bogane, Myckelby, Orust, Göteborgs and Bohus County, Sweden on 15 May 1883 the son of farmer Niklas Peterson (b. 11 June 1832 at Myckelby) and Peggy Charlotta Rasmusdotter (b. 15 June 1850 at Forshälla). They had married 28 June 1867 at Myckleby.

His brothers and sisters were; Johan Robert, b. 19 March 1867, Oscar Pontus, b. 16 June 1873 (d. 10 July 1910), Olof Albert, b. 28 November 1875, Katharina Elisabeth, b. 13 June 1878, Antoinetta Josefina, b. 6 December 1879, Erik Birger, b. 20 November 1886, Gerda Ottilia, b. 17 August 1889, Hjalmar Gottfrid, b. 20 February 1894, and Magda Ulrika, b. 3 April 1870.

Samuel Niklasson was called "Sandel" by family and friends but his name was Samuel according to church registers.

Five of his seven siblings would later emigrate to Americaa and Samuel also decided to go, it was said that he was in a very sad mood when he went around and said good-bye. He travelled with two other men from Orust Island, Karl Johan Johansson and Oscar Johansson. Johansson had lived in USA for many years, Olsson had worked there as a sailor.

Samuel bought his ticket only when he arrived in England, the reason is not known. Perhaps it is because he bought the ticket so late that he is not mentioned as a Swedish subject in either the White Star or US Senate's lists.

In Hull he bought a card, he posted it to his parents in Southampton on 8 April. That was the last they heard from him. When the ship was sinking Samuel got separated from Oscar Olsson, who survived. Samuel's body was never found.

In the church book, the vicar noted his date of death as 15 April 1912, without comment.

The Mansion House Fund paid 875.52 Kr (£48) to parents 1822 Kr (£100) damage claims paid to parents May. 29 1914.

References and Sources

Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988, 1996, 1999) Titanic. Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Samuel Niklasson
Age: 28 years 11 months (Male)
Nationality: Swedish
Last Residence: in Orust, Sweden
Occupation: General Labourer
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 363611, £8 1s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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