Encyclopedia Titanica

Stanley George Hickman

Second Class Passenger

Stanley George Hickman
Stanley George Hickman

Stanley George Hickman, was born 17 June 1890. He came from Fritham, Hampshire, England and was emigrating to Canada with his brothers - Leonard and Lewis. They travelled with four companions from Fritham, Percy Deacon, Ambrose Hood, Charlie Davies and William Dibden on a single ticket number 14879 which cost £72 10s. They boarded the Titanic at Southampton as second class passengers.

Stanley George Hickman died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

Newspaper Articles

Portsmouth Evening News (26 April 1912) Items of interest
Salisbury and Winchester Journal (11 January 1913) Memorial at Fritham Free Church
In memory of the Hickman brothers and Percy Deacon


Gavin Bell, UK
Cecil Pittman, Neepawa
Alan Hustak, Canada

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Stanley George Hickman
Age: 21 years 9 months and 28 days (Male)
Nationality: English
Last Residence: in Fritham, Hampshire, England
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 14879, £73 10s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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