Encyclopedia Titanica

Ṭannūs Dāhir

Third Class Passenger

Mr Tannous Doharr [?Daher] from Syria (now Lebanon) boarded the Titanic at to Cherbourg as a third class passenger (ticket number 2686, £7 4s 7d) together with his cousins Shawneene George Whabee, Ḥannā Ṭannūs Mu'awwad (John Thomas) and his teenage son Ṭannūs Ḥannā Mu'awwad Ṭannūs (Thomas), and Jirjis Yūsuf Abī Sa'b. The men were coming to America to get jobs in one of the steel mills in Youngstown, Ohio. Also accompanying them was Banoura Ayoub who was coming to America to be re-united with her family in Detroit.

Doharr died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Ṭannūs Dāhir
Born: circa.1884
Age: 28 years (Male)
Nationality: Syrian Lebanese
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 2686, £7 4s 7d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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