Encyclopedia Titanica

Wenzel Linhart

Third Class Passenger

© Bill Fowler, Canada

Mr Wenzel Linhart is believed to have been born sometime around 1884 in Lhota, Bohemia, now part of the modern-day Czech Republic.

He and his widowed mother Katherina had resettled in Leopoldstadt, Vienna, Austria where he worked as a baker and pastry chef.

Linhart boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a third class passenger (ticket number 345775 which cost £9, 10s) but it is not clear where he was travelling to.

He almost certainly shared cabin (E)58 on F-Deck with Josef Arnold, Anton Kink, Vincenz Kink, Albert Wirz and Leo Zimmermann

Linhart lost his life in the disaster and his body was recovered by the cable ship MacKay Bennett (#298) and buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia on 8 May 1912 .


CLOTHING - Grey suit; white shirt with large red and blue stripes.

EFFECTS - Pocketbook; purse; 220 kronor and other bills and coins.




Linhart's mother assumed he had joined Titanic as a steward and as such applied for compensation under the Workers Compensation Act. The London consul confirmed that Linhart was travelling as a passenger and therefore his mother was not entitled to compensation from that fund.  She received £50 from the Titanic relief fund.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Coroners Report (Public Archives of Nova Scotia, RG 41, Vols. 75-76)
Record of Bodies and Effects: Passengers and Crew, S.S. Titanic (Public Archives of Nova Scotia)

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  1. Rebeca


    So was he 27 or 32 years old? This site lists him as being both on this page.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Wenzel Linhart
Born: circa.1884
Age: 28 years (Male)
Nationality: Bohemian Czech
Last Residence: in Vienna, Austria
Occupation: Baker
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 345775, £9 10s
Cabin No. (E)58
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body recovered by: Mackay-Bennett (No. 298)
Buried: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on Wednesday 8th May 1912

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