Encyclopedia Titanica


6 items

Stories and Articles

THE BUTT-MILLET MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN, 1913 The Butt-Millet Memorial Fountain was erected by the contributions of friends of Major Archibald Willingham Butt and Francis Davis Millet. "The 8-foot-high fountain is composed of a
New York Times9th June 1912
Senate Proposal Thus to Honor TItanic VictimsGoes Over --- WASHINGTON, June 8---An effort was made in the Senate to-dayto have adopted a resolution granting authority to erect on publ
New York Times24th October 1913
Fountain to Titanic Victims to be Erected Near White House --- WASHINGTON, Oct. 23---Plans will be completed in the near futurefor the dedication of a fountain erected
New York Times23rd August 1912
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22---The House Committee on Library favorablyreported to-day the Senate joint resolution to authorize the erectionof a drinking fountain in this city as a joint memorial to Major
New York Times11th October 1914
Memorial to Titanic Operator Will Be Erected at the Battery Soon --- The fountain erected in memory of Jack Phillips, the senior wireless operrator [sic] who lost his life on the Tita
New York Times14th April 1915
Dedication of Memorial to Philanthropist and His Wife Tomorrow --- The Isidor and Ida Straus Memorial in Straus Park will be dedicated tomorrow afternoon with impressive ceremonies. T