4 items Titanic-related videos shared over the years. Stories and Articles Title DOROTHY GIBSON IN THE LUCKY HOLDUP Only surviving film of famed Titanic actress Silent MoviesTitanic MoviesTitanic Video IN NACHT UND EIS A 1912 Silent Drama about the Titanic DramaIn Nacht Und Eis (1912 Film)Silent MoviesTitanic MoviesTitanic Video Moving Picture World — 11th May 1912 David Lean SAVED FROM THE TITANIC POSTER Just 29 days after the sinking of the Titanic, the first film about the disaster is released. Starring an actual Titanic survivor, first class passenger Dorothy Gibson who was rescued in Lifeboat . Saved from the Titanic (1912 Film)Silent MoviesTitanic Movies Damien Crean TITANIC IN MOTION PICTURES This thesis explores the way in which cinema narratives have been used to retell the "story" of the Titanic A Night to Remember (1958 Film)Cultural TourismJames CameronLa Hantise (1912 Film)Silent MoviesTitanic (1997 Film)Titanic Films