3 items Stories and Articles Title Science Constance Holden AMERICANS AND FRENCH FIND THE TITANIC New undersea robots pinpoint the wreck; discoverers want her to remain unmolested ArgoDeep-Sea ExplorationDiscovery and SalvageDr Robert D BallardIfremerMaritime MemorialRovTitanic Wreck SiteWrecksite as Grave Deep Sea Research Elazar Uchupi, Maureen T. Muck, Robert D. Ballard THE GEOLOGY OF THE TITANIC SITE AND VICINITY This article describes the geological features of the area of the seabed where the Titanic wreck came to rest. GeologyTitanic Wreck SiteUnderwater Geology Marine Georesources & Geotechnology Angus I. Best, William Powrie, Toby Hayward & Max Barton GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE TITANIC WRECK SITE Sediment composition, geological stability, and forensic analysis explain how sediment properties affected the Titanic's impact and burial on the seafloor. Burial DepthForaminiferal OozeForensicsGeotechnical AnalysisImpact VelocitySeafloor StabilitySediment StabilityShear StrengthTitanic Wreck SiteUndrained Impact