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New York Times

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Defense Introduces Family Tree in Proceedings Brought by Banker C. J. Bell
Miss Gage Testifies That an Ancestor of Colonel Was a Scottish King—--Threaten Mrs. Gracie with Arrest
Special to The New York Times
WASHINGTON, April 11---Mrs. Archibald Gracie, well-known in New York and Washington society, who is wanted by the Government in the District Supreme Court as a witness in the lunacy proceedings against Mrs. Mary E. Gage, will be served with a writ of attachment if she does not answer the subpoena of the court to-morrow. She was summoned to appear to-day, when the case was again taken up. Deputy Marshals scoured the District this afternoon trying to locate her, but failed. The court announced that an attachment will be issued it she does not apear [sic] to-morrow.

Mrs. Gage, who is charged with threatening the life of Charles J. Bell, a Washington banker and brother of Prof. Alexander Graham Bell, says Mrs. Gracie first poisoned her mind against the banker. It was Mrs. Gracie, Mrs. Gage asserts, who told her that Mr. Bell was doing his utmost to keep her daughter and herself out of Washington society. Then it was that Mrs. Gage said she would horsewhip Mr. Bell, and later declared she would kill him.

Mrs. Gage has been in St. Elizabeth's, the Government Hospital for the Insane, for several days, and observations are being made by specialists. Mrs. Gage will be put upon the stand to-morrow.

Miss Margaret C. Gage, daughter of the accused woman, was the principal witness this afternoon. Miss Gage told the court some hitherto unknown matters about herself and her mother. The same genealogist who prepared the Gage family tree, and discovered that Mrs. Gage is of royal descent, also found that Col. Theodore Roosevelt is a descendant of Kings, one of his ancestors having been a Scottish King, Miss Gage testified.

The prosecution is trying to show that Mrs. Gage is a victim of hallucinations and delusions.

Two large volumes were introduced as testimony to show that she is of royal descent. The volumes were compiled by a geneaologist [sic] named Browning

Miss Gage then told of her mother's marital experiences. She said her father, Harley Calvin Gage, was divorced from her mother. Mrs. Gage and Miss Gage lived in Washington eight years prior to the divorce, and for five years lived in New York. Before that they lived in Chicago and Minneapolis.

Mr. Bell's attorneys tried to show that Mrs. Gage and Miss Gage had in reality no right to enter Washington society.

“As a matter of fact," Mrs. Gage's attorneys asserted, "these women were in better society in New York than they tried to associate with here."

Invitations and programmes bearing the names of Miss Helen Gould, Mrs. Frank Gould, Mrs. H. H. Rogers, Mrs. Russell Sage, and other New York women were introduced to bear out the statement.

It is said that when Mrs. Gage takes the stand to-morrow she will give a detailed account of her experiences with the Bells. The attorneys for Mr. Bell, it is understood, will offer "new testimony," and will try to show that several years ago Mrs. Gage threatened to bring suit against Bradstreet's because she was not accorded as high a rating a she declared she deserved.

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Archibald Gracie IV


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) TO PROVE MRS. GAGE DESCENDANT OF KINGS (New York Times, Friday 12th April 1912, ref: #3339, published 3 August 2004, generated 6th December 2024 08:29:16 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/to-prove-mrs-gage-descendant-kings.html