Encyclopedia Titanica

Vincent Astor's Grief

New York Times

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Vincent Astor's Grief Pitiable

Son of John Jacob offers
a fortune for word
of his father


Vincent Astor, son of Col. John Jacob Astor, who is believed to have gone down with the Titanic, was among the earliest to make inquiries (at the White Star Offices). The young man was grief-stricken for he was a chum as well as a son of John Jacob. He was told that his stepmother, who was Miss Madeleine Force, was known to be among them saved but that the worst was feared concerning the fate of his father, whose name was missing from the slender list that has been wirelessed from the Carpathia.

Young Mr. Astor had remained up all night, hoping against hope for some reassuring word. He went to the Associated Press and scanned its latest reports. He also visited the Marconi Company's offices early in the morning. He was almost hysterical from grief and one of the operators said he cried out that he would give all the money that could be asked for if the operator would only tell him that he had news of his father's safety. The operator was unable to give this assurance. He then tried to get in touch by wireless with the Carpathia but it was not until the partial list received by the line was bulletined that he learned of the rescue of Mrs. Astor, news that carried with it a reasonable confirmation of his fears that his father had gone down with the ship.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Vincent Astor's Grief (New York Times, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #2284, published 30 January 2004, generated 10th December 2024 03:41:32 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/vincent-astors-grief.html