O. S. Woody, a former Washingtonian, and two other postoffice clerks, composed the mail crew of the Titanic. Their names were received today by the office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General. J. S. March, of the Second division of the Railway Mail Service, and W. L. Gwinn, of the New York Postoffice, were the other members of the crew. Mr. Woody was from the office of the Third division of the Railway Mail Service, which is at Washington. He left the city to reside in New York about three years ago, when he was put in the marine service.
Mr. Woody married a niece of Central Office Detective Harry Warren about six months ago, and Mrs. Woody is now visiting at the home of her uncle, 29 U street northeast. Mr. and Mrs. Woody have a home at Clifton, Va., a few miles from Washington and have spent much time here when Mr. Woody has been off duty.
Mr. Woody married a niece of Central Office Detective Harry Warren about six months ago, and Mrs. Woody is now visiting at the home of her uncle, 29 U street northeast. Mr. and Mrs. Woody have a home at Clifton, Va., a few miles from Washington and have spent much time here when Mr. Woody has been off duty.
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