Encyclopedia Titanica

William Valentine Maybery: Obituary

Obituary of Frank Maybery's Father

Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle

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The Rev. William Valentine Mayberry, Ipswich.

William Valentine Maybery was born on the 14th of February, 1843, in the parish of Nevethin, near Pontypool, Monmouthshire. Subsequently his parents removed to Monmouth, where they connected themselves with the Congregational church, which was then under the pastoral care of the late Rev. William Campbell M.A. It was not long before their son William became known to his pastor. His conversion took place when he was about 17 or 18 years of age. At that time there were special religious services held in the various places of worship in the town. William Maybery attended one of these, and was deeply impressed with the truth of God. The following Sabbath, Mr Campbell preached a special sermon to the young from the text, "My son, if sinners entice the, consent thou not," which deepened and his religious impressions. He became concerned about his soul, he was led to the light in which he saw all things new, and found a rest in Christ. About two months after his conversion, in 1861, he joined the Congregational Church at Monmouth. Mr Campbell soon discovered in him signs and germs of future usefulness, and talked in the rudiments of Latin and Greek. Mr Maybery in a short time became a very acceptable preacher in the villages of the neighbourhood.

His first sermon was preached in the parish of Dingestow, and was based upon Jeremiah v.27: "as the cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit." The quaintness and originality of this choice of text may have contributed something to the effect produced by the sermon. Several persons attributed to it the first religious impression. In 1863, through the advice of his pastor, he entered Western College. During his five years course there he was an industrious, painstaking student, always anxious to hold his ground with his class-mates, and he proved to be a very acceptable preacher. In 1868, his last year at college, he gained the Harris scholarship. It may be mentioned that delete Professor Charlton, of Western College, as well as the late Mr Campbell – both of whom passed away a few months before him – had a very high opinion of his ability and Christian character.

On February 14th, 1868 (on his birthday), a newly-formed small but active church at Stoke-sub-Hamden, Somerset Shire, unanimously invited Mr Maybery to become his pastor. He accepted the invitation on June 1st, 1868, and was ordained March 26th, 1869.

At Stoke he was the same diligent, painstaking student as he had been during his life at college. He was also the most devoted and zealous pastor, and his ministry was much blessed. When he went to Stoke the church numbered only seventeen members, but when he left after five years and three months' ministry, the number had risen to ninety-nine. This change was made on his receiving a hearty and unanimous invitation to become the pastor of the church assembling at Tacket-street Chapel, Ipswich, where he commenced his work in September, 1873.

It was no small task for a young man to follow one who had taken such a high position in Ipswich as his predecessor, the Rev Eliezer Jones; but, so far as spiritual power and mental ability are concerned, Mr Maybury proved himself equal to the task. The congregation soon increased, and new life was infused into the church. Every trace of debt was wiped out, many useful organisations were started – all the societies of the church were brought to a flourishing condition; he was daily ripening in the affections of his people, and growing in the respect of the inhabitants of the town. But his physical constitution was not strong enough to enable him to carry out the work which it was in his heart to do.

On Wednesday, November 1st, 1876, he paid a ministerial visit to some members of the congregation living at a distance, and he took a very severe cold, which laid such hold of him that on the following Sunday he was not able to take the morning service in his own church. In the evening he exchanged pulpits with a brother minister, and delivered what proved to be his last sermon. He appeared to rally a little during the week, but on the following Saturday he was suddenly seized with congestion of the liver. Rapid exhaustion set in, so that on the next Thursday morning his condition became alarming. At 3 o'clock on that day he succumbed, and calmly and peacefully passed away to his eternal home, at the age of 34. Thus closed the ministry, on Earth, of an amiable, a loving, and holy man. His funeral took place on Tuesday, 21st of November, at the Ipswich Cemetery, and with the demonstrations of respect and sympathy from all classes of the inhabitants. As a preacher, Mr Maybery was polished, thoughtful, Ernest, pointed, and convincing. His sermons were beautiful, but severely true – the real expressions of a true heart and life. As a friend he was supremely genuine preeminently transparent, and full of deep and tender sympathies. He loved much, and therefore was much loved.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2021) William Valentine Maybery: Obituary (Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, , ref: #466, published 5 May 2021, generated 30th November 2024 03:04:29 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/william-valentine-maybery-obituary-466.html