Encyclopedia Titanica

Woman Survivor Heard Shooting

"Many men were shot down as the last boat put away."

New York Herald

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Mrs. A. A. Dick Says She Could See Men Leaping from Ship That Was Sinking.

One of the most comprehensive and connected stories of the disaster was that recounted by Mrs. A. A. Dick, wife of a merchant in Calgary, Canada. "We were awakened in our cabin on hearing the crash. Together with my husband I made my way to one of the decks and learned that the steamship had struck an iceberg. We could see the iceberg. The night was clear and the sky was filled with stars. "We were indifferent about leaving the steamship as we did not believe it was going to sink. We got off in the third boat. We had not gone far when we realized the big liner was sinking. Then, at a safe distance, away from the possibility of suction, we saw one deck after another sink from view. We could see men jumping into the water and could hear terrifying screams and shouts of distress. "We heard several rounds of shots echoing across the water and learned afterward that many men were shot down as the last boat put away. There were three men shot in the steerage by the second or third officer, we understand. As the steamship went down the band was up forward and we could faintly hear the start of 'Neare My God to Thee.' "There was no evidence of panic while we were on board and I first laughed at the idea of the Titanic sinking. We were to the open boat for more than six hours, but had bread and water with us. We thought aid was never coming and we suffered from the cold."

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) Woman Survivor Heard Shooting (New York Herald, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #1868, published 21 November 2003, generated 11th December 2024 07:19:37 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/woman-survivor-heard-shooting.html