Can never forget horror of Wreck
Two survivors of the Titanic, Elmer Z. Taylor and wife; of Smyrna, Del., have Camden connections. Mr Taylor is a cousin of Rev. Robert Purdy Zebley, pastor of Grace Baptist Church, and Louis Z. Noble, receiving teller at the Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Company, and Mrs Waller Garwood.
Mr Taylor's business requires him to be abroad most of the time. He usually gets home around the Christmas holidays each year, but last Christmas he was unable to get over because of business engagements and the trip had to be delayed.
Together with his wife he embarked on the Titanic and both were in their berths when the collision occurred. Mr Taylor describes the impact as not severe, more like a grinding sensation. They dressed hurriedly and went up on the deck. Fortunately Mr Taylor insisted that his wife dress warmly, which she did, and thereby escaped with little suffering.
When the second boat was lowered there were only two men remaining on the deck, Taylor and another person. After the boat was lowered slightly it was discovered that there was room for two more and they were ordered in. Therefore both were saved.
Mr Taylor's partner was also on the boat. He was in his berth at the time of the collision and Taylor knocked upon the door of his room as he passed on the way to the deck. His partner answered and said he didn't believe it worthwhile to get up. He was not seen afterward and perished with the multitudes, it is believed, in his room. Mr Noble received a letter from Mr Taylor relating his experience. The official immediately answered his cousin, congratulating him and his wife upon their ecape.
Mr Taylor is connected with the American Mono-Service Co., Newark, this state, and in a letter to Mr Noble among other things says: "we were indeed fortunate to escape with our lives, but I feel so sad at the loss of my partner in business, Lambert Williams. Of our little party at the table of only six, two are among the missing.
While we have lost all we had, I feel I have gained everything and feel as thankful to have come through such an experience without the slightest difficulty."
He also said he would never be able to efface from his memory the horrors of the scene that followed the final plunge of the Titanic. He expects to return to Europe sometime the latter part of June.
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