Encyclopedia Titanica

License Issued Titanic Survivor

English Girl Does Not Let Catastrophe Interfere with Her Original Plan

Washington Herald

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Saved from a watery grave when the Titanic was sent to the bottom by a monstrous iceberg, Miss Marion Wright, of Yeovil, Somerset County, England, to-day obtained a license for her marriage to Arthur Wolcott, a fruit grower, of Portland, Oreg.

Wolcott, who was born in England, was hurrying East to meet his fiancee when he heard the first news of the disaster. He did not learn that Miss Wright had escaped until some time later, and it was not until yesterday, after he had searched all of the hospitals in vain, that he found her at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Milne.

He went to Milne's home to ask for assistance in his search, and was greeted at the door by his fiancee.

The couple were married later at St. Christopher's Chapel. After a few days' sightseeing in New York the Wolcotts will leave for Oregon.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) License Issued Titanic Survivor (Washington Herald, Sunday 21st April 1912, ref: #4142, published 7 November 2004, generated 5th December 2024 07:52:24 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/wright-marriage.html