Encyclopedia Titanica

Increasing Profanity Among Boys [Letter to the Editor]

New York Times

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To the Editor of The New York Times:

Of late we see accounts both in the United States and Canadacalling attention to how profane and bad language is increasing amongthe boys. The truth of this cannot be denied by any one who happens tocome in contact with the groups of boys who congregate in public placesand on the streets. This is really a sad state of affairs, as if such alow and demoralizing habit is to be allowed to continue and become afixed one among the coming youths, it cannot do otherwise thaneventually lead us to become a very irreverent and disrespectful race.Blasphemous and other degrading language has become very common, notonly among the lower classes, but also among those in the higher walksof life. It has been stated that the schools might assist greatlyin checking this evil among the children. But I do not think theycan accomplish very much without profanity being discontinued by theolder people and by their parents in their homes.


Halifax, N. S., June 26, 1909

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) Increasing Profanity Among Boys [Letter to the Editor] (New York Times, Wednesday 30th June 1909, ref: #4889, published 9 November 2005, generated 5th December 2024 01:33:13 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/wright-profanity.html